Power / Toughness / Vitality & The Vigil

Power / Toughness / Vitality & The Vigil

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Cempa.5619


I am starting a new character and want to confirm that Exotic level 80 armor with the stat combination of Power+Toughness+Vitality is not crafted but can be purchased for Gold only by those who have aligned themselves with the Vigil?

The other way is dungeon which I have no interest in doing in GW2 for my own reasons.

Power / Toughness / Vitality & The Vigil

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Volomon.9147


Yes is the answer but I’m sure their are karma alternatives but I could be wrong.

Power / Toughness / Vitality & The Vigil

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sender.7958


Yeah vigil heavy armor is P/V/T. BUT it is only rare-level. For exotics, you have to do dungeons or as Volomos said I’m sure there’s a karma alternative. Invader armor is P/V/T as well, you can get those thru W3 badges.

Honestly though, dungeons are your best bet. AC paths 1 and 2 are relatively easy nowadays and there’re always groups forming up for those.

Power / Toughness / Vitality & The Vigil

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: zamrai.3784


I don’t think Vigil armor is exotic but rather rare because stat values are a bit lower than exotics.

Certain Power+Toughness+Vitality exotic pieces can be bought with karma, see the list here: http://dulfy.net/2012/09/08/gw2-templegod-karma-armor-sets/

This stat combination cannot be crafted at the moment.

Power / Toughness / Vitality & The Vigil

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: akamon.2769


iirc, there is no helmet for P/V/T (aka Soldier’s) gear from the temple karma sets.

seconding what Sender said, the AC dungeon is not so bad at all once you know the paths and what to do. and the costs for each armour piece for the AC dungeon is lower than all other dungeons it seems (save helm, gloves and boots which are same cost across dungeons)

so i guess if you really didn’t want to do dungeons, you could get the rest of your armour from karma (42k each piece) and get the helm from AC (180 tokens).

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Power / Toughness / Vitality & The Vigil

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mulch.2586


Invader’s armor gives bonuses to Power, Toughness, and Vitality, equivalent to a “Soldier’s” prefix. You get Invaders from wvw, in your borderlands citadel.

Power / Toughness / Vitality & The Vigil

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kalok.4273


Karma has this yes, I have a full set of it.

How ever for a full set you also have to get it from diff vendors as the stats vary on pieces aquired from different ones

Power / Toughness / Vitality & The Vigil

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: xiv.7136


Just always be careful to check the stats on the karma vendors in Orr.

Some of the pieces have really random stats like condition damage / healing power / precision

I like pizza

Power / Toughness / Vitality & The Vigil

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: TerryLong.9561


Here is a good guide on the exotic karma vendor’s. You can get a full set of VTP.

Power / Toughness / Vitality & The Vigil

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Falcon Night.4653

Falcon Night.4653

I/m just wondering why these particular set of stats can’t be crafted. I believe that other combination of stats can. Seems that P/V/T armor can only be gotten through farming Dungeons or farming karma. I managed to get 1 P/V/T glove from the temple in Orr.

P.S.: I officially hate Orr.

These are not the droid you are looking for, move along… → ESO, FireFall, NW :)

Power / Toughness / Vitality & The Vigil

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Volomon.9147


What kind of trinkets have that combo? I know theres a soldier’s amulet what else is there?

Power / Toughness / Vitality & The Vigil

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: bri.2359


You can buy a lvl 80 rare Soldier’s back piece (P/V/T) off the TP for a 1s 50c.
I know this cos I bought one last evening …

As for the other trinkets, I know P/V/T cannot be crafted, so perhaps from loot drops and/or map completion rewards.

Lvl 80’s: Ranger; Guardian; Mesmer; Necromancer; Thief
Gandara Megaserver

Power / Toughness / Vitality & The Vigil

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zenyatoo.4059


What kind of trinkets have that combo? I know theres a soldier’s amulet what else is there?


Invaders amulet
Bloodstone amulet
Emerald pendant

Invaders accessory

Invaders ring
Nightmare coil
Crystalline band (Ascended not exotic)
Lost seal of usoku (Ascended not exotic)

Im only kind of sure on the ascended ones, but I believe they are the power/tough/vit rings.