Hey guys, my friend wants to know if it is possible to plvl him 32-60 in a Dungeon such as CoF…Would he get xp or would it be a waste of time? Thanks for helping me figure this out!!
You do indeed get exp from dungeons, and quite a bit of it. However at level 32 he can really only run a single dungeon. Although that said there is a trick…
Okay, this may have been patched, I’ve not tried it in….ever, but allegedly you can run the dungeon with your friend using a higher level character, assuming he has one, then just near the end, right before you take out the boss, having him log out and switch characters. He can then get back into the dungeon with his low level, you guys can take down the boss, and he gets to level up. At low levels he can manage a level a run this way. From what I’ve heard at least.
If he doesn’t have a higher level character and this is his first however I would highly, highly recommend he not power-level his character at all. Guild Wars 2 isn’t like other MMOs where your one and only goal is to reach endgame as soon as possible; its about the journey. You’re supposed to have fun leveling and take your time, and a large number of early players got burned out and quit specifically because they didn’t know that and raced to endgame.
my question kinda reinforces arkham’s last paragraph — why on earth does he wanna power level? i mean, wow, there’s a whole huge world out there to see, and really, if he’s looking to grind at 80, he’ll be disappointed because of the relative lack of vertical progression at level cap, as compared to other games.
to each his own and all, but there’s a whole world — LITERALLY! — out there he’ll be missing by doing this, and for no real gain.
You can do the swap, just make sure your friend isn’t the one to open the dungeon instance. The exp you get from finishing a dungeon depends on the character level. It is always 70% of your current level.
The gold reward you get is ALSO scaled to your level so you are basically giving up gold for exp. Probably simpler to just take the gold and level with crafting.
Tell your friend not to power level, i did the same thing, got to lvl 80 fast and i regret it. Thats why i made another class and started again. At lvl 80 things get boring expecially if you are not a dungeon kinda guy like me.
Well, at level 80, all kinds of armor/weapon skins are available to you. All dungeons are unlocked, and you can finalize your build.
He doesn’t even have to switch class in the end, he can do cof at any levels, he will just pull you and your team down, but he will still get the exp.
you level by doing dungeons, however if your looking to level fast just mapping different zones (besides crafting) is by far the fastest method there is. My last guardian that i levelled that way hit 80 right at about 20 hours
you level by doing dungeons, however if your looking to level fast just mapping different zones (besides crafting) is by far the fastest method there is. My last guardian that i levelled that way hit 80 right at about 20 hours
this is a true statement; what it’s looking like, though, is he wants the “leveling” without the “work.” i suppose if there are four other people willing to do all the work so he doesn’t have to, then it’s their choice, eh?
Leveling in dungeons can be done, but if you don’t get your party to agree to it beforehand they can get pretty upset. If you really want to level up, just map completion or crafting is really quick.
Honestly, there’s no real reason to work at hitting the cap. Just play the game and you’ll level pretty quickly.
It’s useless. The exp is adjusted to your level, so doing either AC or Arah, he won’t get more than one level