Precursor "dropped", what now?

Precursor "dropped", what now?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: MrKahwk.9524



Just yesterday I decided to use my remaining 40g for the mystic toilet and after 9 of 10 tries I got the precursor for Quip (legendary pistol). I want Sunrise though so I sold it. My question now is, should I continue with throwing in exotics into the mystic forge? To clear things up: I’m not really a hardcore gamer and I barely have time to make big money in gw2. I calculated the amount of time I’d need to get the money for all the requirements for the leg and I’d still need 2 years of farming (1 hour of playtime a day) to be able to get everything. Even with the 240g I got from the precursor it’s still a long way to Sunrise. Should I risk it all? Also for those who wonder what I did exactly: 3 of the cheapest exotics I could find + mystic forge stone. I still have 35 of them so even if I were to use it all up the money would probably not exceed 120 gold. Your opinion on this?

Precursor "dropped", what now?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nero.8047


you might wish to continue gambling, that is IF you consider yourself a lucky person. Just remember that you got extremely lucky with getting the precursor for Quip. seeing how you want sunrise I think I would just start getting all the extra required materials and continue playing the game (maybe frequently have a few more of those 10 tries as you had now)

in short: I think it’s best to continue with what you’re doing right now and not gamble with all of your money.

Paragon of the Seraphim Order [Ankh]
a small, casual Guild with a play as you want style.

Precursor "dropped", what now?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mystic.5934


throw stuff in the mystic toilet if you like gambling.
if you want your legendary, just buy the precursor directly from the TP.
these are two different things.
If you need a particular precursor and are looking for the cheapest/best way to get it, the mystic toilet is not that way.
people that play slot machines for a living always end up homeless, while people that play them for fun end up with good stories and learning experiences.

(edited by Mystic.5934)

Precursor "dropped", what now?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Clockwork Bard.3105

Clockwork Bard.3105

Rule #1 of online gaming: RNG hates you. Many have made their fortunes flushing things down the mystic toilet and selling the backwash. Many have watched their fortunes whisked off into the mystic sewage. It’s a merciless business with no winners, only losers and survivors.

… Survivors with enough gold to buy an in-game jet ski.

There should totally be an in-game jet ski.

What were we talking about again?

Precursor "dropped", what now?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Baladir.2736


Colin Johanson discussed here

Upcoming changes will allow people to get a precursor, non-RNG.

Precursor "dropped", what now?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kootje.9271


Btw don’t forget that using the mystic forge stone makes the forge random. If u throw in 4 gs u get 1 gs, if u throw in 3gs and 1 stone, u can get every sort of weapon.

About forging; U’ve got a nice sum of gold now, save it. Ascended is gonna come. new legendaries, new way of obtaining precursors.

I like forging, have gotten 5 precursors from the forge so far, sold them and threw the gold back in, I’m still poor. (1g something s atm). So if I’d have to choose, I’d buy a load of exo’s and throw it back in the forge…

Proud member of Dutch-Finest Guild on Far Shiverpeaks.

If it ain’t dutch,… :P

Precursor "dropped", what now?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: MrKahwk.9524


Thank you all for your quick replies! I habe ultimately decided to use only part of the money for further “flushing” xD now I still have 180g left and I’ll save that for the time when precursor will be attainable more easily.