Problems to start dungeon

Problems to start dungeon

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: leonardoraele.3725


I just reached level 30 so I was trying to get to the first dungeon Ascalonian Catacombs with a friend.

The problem is, sometimes we press to start the dungeon but nothing happens. After relogging a few times we managed to enter the dungeon, but we started in different instances; each one alone, even we being in the same party.

I searched the forum and found topics of people who have already played the dungeon, so I suppose this is not normal(it’s not broken/bugged for everyone).

Any information about this problem? Any tip to get in together with the party? Are we forgeting to do something?

Problems to start dungeon

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Reconll.9354


It’s not just you I often have the same problem.