Profession choice

Profession choice

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tanner Richards.2134

Tanner Richards.2134

I will finally be getting my own computer so I will actually be able to play all the time at first I had to play on my friends account at his house to help his characters level up but to start off myself I don’t know what would be a good profession to play

Profession choice

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Pinder.5261


I always say go with whatever class seems really cool. Generic advice, I know. But frankly, I think a lot of people would be a lot happier if they stopped fussing over all the little details about combat strategy, intended roles, etc., and admit to themselves, “I really really like fireballs,” and thus decided to play Elementalist.

If you’ve ever seen a Profession and though to yourself, “that class just looks so awesome.” That’s the class for you. Play that class.