PvE Servers. Which is best for beginners?
Look at that matchups and decide which ones you think will be the most enjoyable. It will be expensive though as the higher pop servers cost a lot of gems to transfer to and you seem to be seeking more fights, not less.
CD is a pretty strong WvW server.. but you mention a lack of low level players and it feeling empty, which sounds more like you’re talking about PvE.
The game has been out for over a year, so no matter what server you go to, you’re not going to see tons of lowbies.
Northern Shiverpeaks
Stay on your server.
Oh yea I meant pvE. I was reading a lot of WVW because I die a lot in the instances.
Oh, for PvE just pick any server where your friends are, even if it’s empty, because twice a day you can guest transfer to a higher pop server to complete the harder events (like orr temples).
Oh, for PvE just pick any server where your friends are, even if it’s empty, because twice a day you can guest transfer to a higher pop server to complete the harder events (like orr temples).
Or main a high pop and guest to your friend. I wouldnt join a high pop though, you’ll get long que for wvw ques. try 2nd or 3rd tier
Oh Thank You all the info I need. Although I do not have friends that play GW2
I wish I did tho.
Hey, so i’m now starting to play GW2 on Crystal Desert. There seems to be not a lot of low level players and it also feels empty. Which servers are best for beginners?
Trust me on this, leave the server. Playing on a high population server will make your experience 100% better especially while leveling and you will be less likely to quit the game. I am speaking from experience having playing on three low population servers and 2 high population servers.
Go here:
Pick a Tier 1 server. Or even Tarnished Coast. I personally recommend:
Sanctum of Rall
Jade Quarry
Tarnished Coast
Hey, so i’m now starting to play GW2 on Crystal Desert. There seems to be not a lot of low level players and it also feels empty. Which servers are best for beginners?
Trust me on this, leave the server. Playing on a high population server will make your experience 100% better especially while leveling and you will be less likely to quit the game. I am speaking from experience having playing on three low population servers and 2 high population servers.
Go here:
Pick a Tier 1 server. Or even Tarnished Coast. I personally recommend:
Sanctum of Rall
Jade Quarry
Tarnished Coast
I am on blackgate right now and anything after level 20 and you will be alone. Very rarely do you every see anyone. It was this way at launch too but not this bad.
I recommend Tarnished Coast, as long as you don’t mind roleplay (you don’t have to participate but it seems to just irritate some people).
I just started the game in August and I originally picked some random server and I really never saw anyone in the 20+ zones, like at all! I felt alone, would ask for help or a question (politely) in map and get silence…so I looked at the WvW rankings and went with the top server in the second tier which happened to be TC. I chose to delete my character so that I could transfer for free (just put all your stuff in your bank as it goes with you as does your money). Now I’ll be honest there aren’t TONs of people in the middle zones, but there’s usually a few and most are helpful & friendly. Only downside is you do run into overflows, especially at peak times and during big events…but I figure it’s still better than the top 3! Good luck with whatever world you pick!
Mainly you’re looking at population, community, and WvW status. Other than that:
TC – Unofficial RP server
SoS – Unofficial Aussie server
I think that’s about it? I’m not familiar with EU servers.
Keep in mind you can guest for any PvE content. But your home server is who you fight for in WvW.
Edit: If you decide to switch, you can delete your characters and can switch for free. If you’re new, it’s better than spending the 85gold/1800 gems to switch.
Ahhh Thank you guys. For that much info~ Since I was new i put everything in bank and deleted and switched servers. Glad I didn’t lose most of my stuff like my exp boost~
I find quite a few players in all level zones on Yak’s Bend. I usually play early morning and evenings and can’t remember the last time I played for more than a few minutes without running into another player. I’m currently clearing zones with a few Lvl 80s so I’m running in starter zones thru LVL70-80 areas. Lions Arch and Frostgorge are ALWAYS very populated (but not generating overflows very often).
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
sarrows furnace. The most active server ever.
well, uh, hate to say it but if you’re just starting off you might as well begin in one of the stacked servers
(for NA that’s Jade Quarry, Blackgate, Sanctum of Rall, or Tarnished Coast)
Not only will there be more people, new & old, but if one day you ever want to transfer, at least it will be cheaper to go lower.
If you start somewhere else and then in the future decide you want to try T1 for WvW, it will cost you 1800gems.
well, uh, hate to say it but if you’re just starting off you might as well begin in one of the stacked servers
(for NA that’s Jade Quarry, Blackgate, Sanctum of Rall, or Tarnished Coast)Not only will there be more people, new & old, but if one day you ever want to transfer, at least it will be cheaper to go lower.
If you start somewhere else and then in the future decide you want to try T1 for WvW, it will cost you 1800gems.
Very good point and good advice for someone starting out.
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances