PvE'er having trouble getting badges of honor

PvE'er having trouble getting badges of honor

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Odahviing.4715


At SOME point I would like to get my legendary weapon. I find that mostly everything I need I am well on my way to attaining (that 100% map completion is going to be a pain in the kitten luckily the world is AWESOME).

HOWEVER, I suck at pvp to begin with. Never really enjoyed it all that much (prolly cuz i SUUUUCK at it) but I need badges of honor from the WvWvW. My server seems to NEVER have presence in WvWvW so its even hard to even GET to one of the jumping puzzles. Any ideas???

PvE'er having trouble getting badges of honor

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: wauwi.9162


how about getting some help from friends/guild-mates in WvWvW?
it’s alot easier in groups to complete the maps and mess about there...you might even help out your server by looting some supplys and planting some rams at fortresses

most guys on my server are playing at different day-times...so i got trouble at WvWvW as well

[EU/GER]Elona’s Reach: Aerrith: Lv80 Ranger / Sephirra: Lv80 Mesmer
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”

PvE'er having trouble getting badges of honor

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Odahviing.4715


Yeah i think i’m going to roll a warrior dedicated to WvWvW. Since the badge are account bound atleast I can send ‘em to my necromancer for the gift of battle :o) Other than that, my guild is mainly a PvE guild; which is fine because that’s what I enjoy the mos. Celestial Champions woot!

PvE'er having trouble getting badges of honor

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zenyatoo.4059


transfer to a server that is currently stomping hard.
Map all 4 area’s 100% assuming you havent already
do all 4 jump puzzles
wait for reset
do all 4 jump puzzles
wait for reset

You can do all 4 jump puzzles once a day, per character. Badge reward scales based on character level. If you have at least 1 level 80 you should be getting somewhere between 28-40 badges per day doing this.

It’s not glamorous, but it is efficient.

PvE'er having trouble getting badges of honor

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Odahviing.4715


great advice! was thinking that but then I would leave my guild behind no?

PvE'er having trouble getting badges of honor

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: wauwi.9162


you’ll be still member of your current guild
but keep in mind, you can’t play with your friends/guildmates during the time you’re on a different server and server transfers are limited to every 24H

[EU/GER]Elona’s Reach: Aerrith: Lv80 Ranger / Sephirra: Lv80 Mesmer
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”

PvE'er having trouble getting badges of honor

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Odahviing.4715


Cool, thanks for the ideas

PvE'er having trouble getting badges of honor

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zenyatoo.4059


great advice! was thinking that but then I would leave my guild behind no?

Not exactly. While on the other server you are still in the guild. However you are unable to earn them influence despite representing.

You will also be unable to go through maps with them unless you enter an overflow of that map (which may not be possible)

you can however do dungeons cross-server with ease, which is a pretty big plus.

PvE'er having trouble getting badges of honor

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


you’ll be still member of your current guild
but keep in mind, you can’t play with your friends/guildmates during the time you’re on a different server and server transfers are limited to every 24H

Isn’t that a 7 day wait to re-transfer now? Or is that still pending?

PvE'er having trouble getting badges of honor

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Catinka.5476


you’ll be still member of your current guild
but keep in mind, you can’t play with your friends/guildmates during the time you’re on a different server and server transfers are limited to every 24H

You have to wait 7 days now.

PvE'er having trouble getting badges of honor

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: akamon.2769


your best bet right now is probably to do the jumping puzzles. the drop rate for WvW badges through regular combat is pretty low. although, i don’t kill a buttload of people so i can’t confirm, but i’ve heard they really aren’t great.

i have friends who swear by eternal battlegrounds puzzle, but this heavily depends on the ground you have as your server. lot of griefing goes on and can take quite some time.

i “farm” the borderlands (BL) puzzles whenever i’m on during low population, or when i’m actually doing WvW and happen to be nearby. if you’re really seriously about it, as mentioned, you can do each puzzle once per day, 3 BL maps, 5 characters. so if you get a 4 – 5 average per run, one day you can get up to 75 badges. just make sure you have a lot of swiftness, to make sure you make ‘em fast, and learn to avoid griefers or enemy players in general. sometimes, if you see a lone player, you can /bow or /wave to let them know you’re not hostile. but who knows, some may do the same, to have you loosen your guard and still attack you. (then again, a lot don’t condone this, since WvW IS a PvP zone, and you’re essentially letting enemies get blueprints for siege, which affect WvW gameplay —> another reason why i try to do this during downtimes)

things to note:
- i’ve heard that badges you get from chests from the JP’s scale by level. this is more true on the EB puzzle. for BL’s, you’ll usually net 4-5. i’ve gotten up to 5 on my level 2’s, up to 6 on my lvl 80, but i have also received as little as 3 on my 80 before as well.

good luck! and do have fun in WvW. it’s quite different from your standard PvP i want to say. try to find a good group to run with, if you’r elucky and it can be quite fun : ))) hopefully WvW will balance out in the long run.

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

PvE'er having trouble getting badges of honor

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Odahviing.4715


OK so I rolled a guardian and play her specifically in wvwvw. I don’t care how long it takes, this is kitten fun. Thanks for all the help. GW2 community rules.

PvE'er having trouble getting badges of honor

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Alurazle.5430


Getting badges isn’t that hard getting if you are on a cannon in wvw you can pretty much blast away invaders.
