PvP Elemantalist

PvP Elemantalist

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nymesis.3902


Hey guys..Needing some help with my Elementalist. I just don’t see the damage from this Profession compared to others. I know they are a combo class and I also heard they were a higher skill cap to combo effectively so I thought I would come here and see what people are building and what not.

I’ve been running Scepter/Dagger trying to initiate with Air then to Earth and finish with Fire. Either I am not doing it right, or am built wrong, or this Profession just does not do the damage that other Professions can.

Please help?

PvP Elemantalist

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: AegisExe.7240


For WvWvW, the only real play I seem to make any head way with is staff play. In fact, the ele seems to have very great support skills. I think the of the ele as more of a combo starter.

By using my Rain of Fire I can create a buffer zone from attackers (I also use my AOE utility for this), I can go water can combo for AOE healing needs, Air makes use of speed buffs, and using Static Field as a zone for archers to shoot through is way more useful than trying to catch players in it. Earth for dots and more buffer.

The staff also lets you unleash a varying array of AOE skills to make it a death trap for anyone inside. If you in range of a down player, trying to be heal by a few allies, watch them try to squirm of your AOE barrage each slow downing and then you walking up and finishing them.

sPvP. I switch between staff and D/D. I love D/D because of mobility, and the though of a melee caster, through I would suggest building heavy into earth for vitality.

PvP Elemantalist

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: chronometria.3708


Regrettably, its simply the case that elementalists dont do the damage they should. The trade off for being so squishy is to either have amazing control or high damage. Unfortunately, the control is sub-par and the damage is poor even compared to the auto attacks of other classes.

Elementalists have to roll all over the place and use all their abilities to fight well, but other classes can often stand still and fight multiple mobs without needing the same effort. As it stands, the elementalist is simply lacking.

PvP Elemantalist

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: zala.2391


I run scepter/ dagger in pvp with heavy earth and water and a touch of arcane and fire.

i run with precision, power and crit bonus on my amulet and find my damage to be fine and i can survive well.
we are still a caster though and squishy! guess its a matter of expermenting with your combos

PvP Elemantalist

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zaor.6085


Ele now is the worst class of the game. You need a try with a rougue and u can see the diference, smashing 2 butons and killing all ppls with no problem, very balanced…

PvP Elemantalist

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nymesis.3902


Sorry I should have been more detailed. My post was regarding PvP play only.