Q: Legendary Materials & Gold
You have bad luck with lodestones
I really never heard about good charged lodestones farm.
If it would be something like Onyx for example…
so then I could easilly help you.
but charged?
but about the rest.
T7 crafting:
everyday You could go for one run through orr (malchors leap and that last map I don’t remeber the name :P) killing as much as possible mobs (and as quick as possible) gathering all ori most mithril all ancient wood and most elder wood.
bags from drop at lvl 80 map are rather commonly droping t7
second thing is fractals – that is also good way to have some t7 materials.
also both way can increase Your lodestones amount
lodestones and gold
You can melt Your Karma You wouldn’t actually need using Lost orrian Jewelry box. It drops liquid karma higher prize junk items, obsydian shards T6 and much much more (melting 200k karma would give You 1-2 gold from just selling junk items and some lodestones etc. )
Meta dragons – its guaranteed rare – and from rare You can get ectoplasma using Master or Mystic (if you have too much mystic stones) salvage kit.
after last announcement I gues You will be able to just craft Your precursor before You will get all the rest
“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles
Um I’m currently working on The Dreamer (no advice on lodestones, sorry.) All I have left is to finish my gift of fortune and get my precursor..
Generally I’ll go to Cursed Shore and farm there for a couple hours, which can get some nice t6 mats but you also drop a lot of heavy moldy bags which sell for 3-4s each on the TP. Which is great cause after an hour or two of farming, that’s atleast 1g just from selling those. I hadn’t thought of “melting karma” on orrian jewelry boxes, but the person above makes a good point with that as well.
Ummm I’m kinda taking it slow with mine, so I’m not in much of a rush to get all my stuff, so idk how much of a rush you’re in. Right now I’m saving up money to just buy my precursor off the TP because I’d rather spend the gold and have a guaranteed chance to get it than spend lots of gold on rare/exotic bows and gamble until it finally drops. But that’s just my personal preference. Anyways I’m sort of just casually collecting mats and ectos as I save up money, and hopefully by the time I can buy my precursor I’ll be close to finishing the gift of fortune as well. But after I get my precursor I plan to just buy whatever I have left since then I’ll be done and able to make my legendary.
Oh also, I kinda just play on one character and have for the moment entirely stopped crafting (other than cooking) and I sell all of my t1-5 mats for money. This works pretty well, especially since I drop a lot of t5s in Orr and once you get quite a few of those they can sell for a lot. And my only advice on lodestones is to maybe try fractals? I know cores and lodestones can drop there, and I’ve dropped some..but of course you have no control over which ones and sometimes they don’t drop at all =/
Maguuma Server
Ranger and Necromancer.
@up drops from heavy moldy bags can be worth more it can drop t5, t6, lodestones etc. – do not forget on it
“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles
They can be worth more, but probably aren’t. If you want to play it safe, you’ll just sell them.
For Charged Lodestones and Charges Cores I suggest you to run CoE. It is not a guaranteed drop but you may have way more chances to get some there. You may usually get at least a couple of cores running all three paths (thought sometimes it may happen you get nothing). At the same time, you will get the chance to find few t6 materials (vicious claws mainly in p2 and p3 killing the risens on the stairs towards second Alpha). Selling the drops you got from the run you may obtain an average 1 gold for each run. It requires for sure more time than CoF but at least you will have the chance to get Charged Cores/Lodestones while giving you the change to do something different.
About the other t6 materials, you may want to craft your cloves first. During this process you will get some t6 materials; you will not end up with full stacks but, at least, you may have less “farming” in Orr in order to get them :P
(edited by Bau Bau.7389)
I mostly farmed in the open world for money to buy t6 mats and charged cores, then turned those into lodestones in the toilet. I supplemented that with running coe a lot for more chance of getting cores and lodes. Bau Bau is right, make your clovers first. Another tip is to buy those tier 6 crafting bags with laurels. Keep what you need, sell what you don’t to buy more of what you need.
Save 100 Laurels > Buy the Heavy Crafting Bag > 300 T6 mats.
The rest you can buy or idk, farm (lol, like farming/grind was effective in this game – everywhere is nerfed till exhaustion).
Thanks for all of the advice, much appreciated. Im going to try and get my t6 mats via mystic toilet using the 10 clover recipe, as i got quite a lot of these materials that i need while getting the 77 clovers, going to try the COE runs that you suggested tomorrow, wonder how it will play out, if i can just convert 2 charged cores and some other stuff into charged lodestones, might take a while but ill get there without spending 300g on these lodestones… And i will be able to save my cash for the t6 mats & precursor..