Q: Salvage, BLTC, or Merch?

Q: Salvage, BLTC, or Merch?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Brandt Tyler.1480

Brandt Tyler.1480

I’m a very occasional player (due to real world constraints) and I’ve been looking for guidance as to what types of items to salvage verse those to sell on TP and haven’t come across anything yet.

I realize the question salvage vs sell is probably a loaded question as its dependent on so many factors – the current economy, and my place and goal in game (ie accumulation of wealth, crafting, throwing stuff in MF-which I haven’t done yet). I suppose I could just spend the time researching in-game and perhaps I’m just making it more complicated than it is, but…

Is there a forum thread I’m missing or a wiki guide somewhere that would help?

Q: Salvage, BLTC, or Merch?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Odokuro.5049


Level 68+ Rares/Exotics will give you a chance to get 1 to 5 ecto’s (average is 3.)
I tend to Salvage those unless the item sells for more than one ecto’s worth.
I forge together Masterworks that don’t openly sell on the TP for a chance to get a Rare to as I said, Salvage for ecto(s) Blues and below typically don’t sell worth beans anyways, so might as well just straight merch them.

Hope this helped!

The Self-Proclaimed Pervy Sage of Yaks Bend.

Q: Salvage, BLTC, or Merch?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: cpg.7140


At level 80, the rule of thumb is usually salvage whites (common), vendor sell blues and greens (fine/masterwork), rares are mostly up to you (save for the mystic forge to try and get an exotic, sell on TP if you get a good enough price, or salvage with a high level salvage kit to try and get ectos and upgrades), exotics sell on TP or salvage for the rune/sigil if that particular one is valuable enough (or save for the forge if you want to try and get a precursor).

I tend to save level 80 masterworks for the mystic forge just to try and get a rare, even though it’s probably not the optimal choice. For rares I usually don’t sell on TP unless they’ll go for ~20s or more; less than that and I’d rather take a chance at getting ectos.

[TAS] – The Asuran Squad
Devona’s Rest

Q: Salvage, BLTC, or Merch?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Brandt Tyler.1480

Brandt Tyler.1480

Excellent! Exactly what i was looking for, thanks to both of you!