Q: What class do you see the most of?
Every other person i see is a warrior.
I’d say they’re pretty common.
I see a good deal of necros and elementist. But anyway it looks like warriors are going to be craped on because of all the people clamoring about how over powered and numerous they are.
I see a lot of Rangers. I’m a ranger myself and I always notice other pets about. Especially in the sylvari area where I started. I think everyone had the same idea as me for a Sylvari ranger.
Otherwise I see a lot of Warriors and Guardians. Very very few necros. More elementalists. Not too many Eng, Thief, Mesmers.
In most events I’ve participated in, I’ve seen all of the classes.
I’ve seen a lot of warriors, rangers, and thieves. Not so many engineers and mesmers.
Warriors > Elementalist > Guardian.
It seem I’ve seen mostly Warriors and Rangers on my world server. Ha ha, I actually play as a Warrior.
Not sure if these are just easier professions to play, or what. My very first GW2 character and even my beta character was a thief. It was fun, but a lot more challenging.
GM of Silent Striders (Borlis Pass).
AKA: Rayva Galeshot or Rayva Grimclaw
The Necromancer…. because hes my Main :p
Probably depends on the race; as a charr, I see lots of engineers and warriors. Some necros, which I am myself.
I think that the Warrior and Elementalist races are the most playing races in the game… I have an Ele since GW1 but I like very very much playing Guardian!
The Necromancer…. because hes my Main :p
There can NEVER be too many necromancers … they are such an amazing support class!
I see LOTS of warriors. I don’t think it’s because they’re unbalanced or over powered, simply that when playing a new game, warrior is a ‘go to’ class. You don’t need to know anything else about a game, you can play a warrior.
Other than that, elementalists and engineers are pretty common. Thieves I don’t see much ( pun intended), and I wouldn’t even be able to recognize a mesmer.
should stay out of the way of those doing it”
- Thomas Edison
Molecular biology, had it like 3 times a week….
Uhhh i mean, Warrior
Overall I see the most rangers.
In WvW it’s mostly ele, ranger, guardian, mesmer.
The professions I see the least of are Engi and necro. Especially after the 30-40 zones.
Warrior is by far the most common. Big swoard go booM! But in WvW I see a lot of Rangers now as well. Constant pet barrage. Need to be able to turn off pet nametags.
Necromancer is by far the least common but they are awesome, so not sure why. Scary skulls and demons keep the kids away I guess.
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