Q: Why bother with high level zones?
100% map completion reward(star near your name and gift of exploration for legendary weapon), better crafting materials, higher lvl weapons/armors, better loot (???), more money/karma for events etc.
Plus some really amazing scenery. Orr has some breathtaking views. There’s no hearts from Straits of Devestation on so it’s all about the landscape.
Ya, landscape in gw2 is really awesome.
If you are like other guy that posted a similar topic then you can farm QD champion train until you get all the gear you want, buy a legendary, then move to the next game.
The best reason to go to a new map is because you were never there, go there and see it, if you don’t want to complete all the maps in a 2nd toon I can totally understand, but do it at least the 1st time just for the sake of exploring.
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)
Hey guys,
Thanks for all the responses! I absolutely agree that just seeing the world is a great incentive and can see myself pushing forward just for that (although the Orr areas look rather bleak and not as pretty as the starting areas; so far anyway).
As for the loot being better, I was under the impression that the loot you get from doing events scales with your level. That is, if I do the fire elemental (Asura starting zone) or the great wurm (Syrvari startin zone) I still get level 80 loot with a rare and the (very) occasional exotic. Am I wrong? Would killing random mobs at Orr give better loot than world bosses? Or would karma be higher there?
Also, the couple of times I ventured around Orr, well, it was kind of lonely there I really enjoy random interactions with other players (jumping in to help some one, having people help me) and that seemed to be a bit more rare in those zones. Perhaps I am wrong about this, haven’t explored enough really.
And, no, my goal is not to farm my way into legendaries as efficiently as possible or anything like that. I prefer running dungeons with friends (and making friends while running dungeons, the community has been great so far). That’s what I do when I have time. When I have less than an hour to play though, it seems more rewarding (in monetary gain and social interaction) to hit big events than keep pushing through gazzilions of Risen.
(…)the Orr areas look rather bleak and not as pretty as the starting areas; so far anyway.
Thats intended, they are spouse to feel very unwelcome and really hellish to be in, even if you are at a camp. Anet nailed this.
As for the loot being better, I was under the impression that the loot you get from doing events scales with your level.
Thats not really true, for example, the loot you get from a Queensdale champion is not the same as a Frost gorge one.
And if I’m not mistaken Dusk and Dawn are on the level 80 undead loot table, but not under that.
Also, the couple of times I ventured around Orr, well, it was kind of lonely there
A lot of things contributed to that, putting it simple there is more profit to be made in other areas of the world.
Also realize that when you complete maps over I think level 60, you get 2 exotics as well as a bunch of crafting stuff (i.e. 40 scraps of cotton, etc) plus luck, yada yada.
Hey guys, thanks for all the answers! I didn’t realize that there is loot restricted to the higher level zones, or that you get exotics for completing them, that’s good to know. I will definitely give these zone a shot, see how they work for me. Thanks for the help guys!
Hey guys,
Thanks for all the responses! I absolutely agree that just seeing the world is a great incentive and can see myself pushing forward just for that (although the Orr areas look rather bleak and not as pretty as the starting areas; so far anyway).
As for the loot being better, I was under the impression that the loot you get from doing events scales with your level. That is, if I do the fire elemental (Asura starting zone) or the great wurm (Syrvari startin zone) I still get level 80 loot with a rare and the (very) occasional exotic. Am I wrong? Would killing random mobs at Orr give better loot than world bosses? Or would karma be higher there?
Also, the couple of times I ventured around Orr, well, it was kind of lonely there
I really enjoy random interactions with other players (jumping in to help some one, having people help me) and that seemed to be a bit more rare in those zones. Perhaps I am wrong about this, haven’t explored enough really.
And, no, my goal is not to farm my way into legendaries as efficiently as possible or anything like that. I prefer running dungeons with friends (and making friends while running dungeons, the community has been great so far). That’s what I do when I have time. When I have less than an hour to play though, it seems more rewarding (in monetary gain and social interaction) to hit big events than keep pushing through gazzilions of Risen.
Lonely is right. Or maybe its a time zone thing. Trying to get map completion is next to impossible with the lack of players in orr – let alone good crafting material.
Personally I find exploring the maps more enjoyable now I’m at level 80 because I can explore entirely for the sake of seeing it, I don’t need to worry about how much XP it’s getting me.
But you do also get better loot, particularly crafting materials. In low level area you’ll still get low tier materials, you have to go to high level areas to get the higher tiers.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Six maps, Fireheart Rise, Frostgorge Sound, Mount Maelstrom, Straits of Devastation, Malchor’s Leap, and Cursed Shore, all give 2 exotics as rewards for map completion.
I’d suggest at the very least to do these six maps on any character you have.
Loot you get can be at your character level or the level of the enemy you are fighting. In a starter zone, you will get varied leveled loot. In a level 80 zone, all your loot will be high level loot.
If you want more player interaction on the higher level maps, maybe your server is on the ‘underpopulated’ side. Try guesting on another server. One way to find the active servers is to google the Temple Status and see the servers that have unlocked certain temples – that means fairly recent significant activity in the area. Yeah, seeing other players in this game is a huge plus.
If you plan to do crafting, high level areas are the only place to farm tier 6 materials. You also need them to get 100% map completion and explorer achievements!