Question about colors on weapons.

Question about colors on weapons.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Joe.2780


So I know how comparing weapons/armor works for the most part, but there’s just one thing I can’t figure out.

As an example, I have a staff equipped on my elementalist. When I hover over a scepter, it compares the two and both of their damage are highlighted in green. Why is that?

My scepter is 367-414, but the staff is 284-321. Why is it showing green for my staff? I thought it only showed green if it was better than the one it’s compared with.

Furthermore, if I equip the scepter and hover over the staff, now the staff shows in red, while the scepter is still green.

Can anyone fill me in on this?

Question about colors on weapons.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

That appears to be a bug. I’m comparing an exotic zerker’s staff to an ascended one (same prefix). For me, the exotic’s weapon strength is correctly appearing in red (btw: weapon strength is not identical to weapon damage), but the stats are showing in green for both.

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