(edited by flyingplanet.6912)
So, I am having trouble in choosing between d/p vs p/p for my lv 77 thief.
I heard that d/p is meta which has highest dps, but I really don’t think so.
Whenever I see field bosses, I have to spend minimum 5 min to take down the boss when using d/p ( and very hard to control my hp ) because my main attack would be autoattack which deals like 200~300 damage.
Whereas, if I use p/p, I easily reach 10k with unload which melts down field bosses in less than 2min. ( also I attack from distance ).
And short heartseeker doesn’t work when using action camera.
I also don’t understand why people use d/p instead of p/p in WvW or sPvP. Isn’t it more dangerous to go close to warrior or guardian than worrying about reflections? All you gotta worry about for p/p is reflections, #of initiatives spent, and enemies evading.
Also, can’t p/p thief easily solo kill elementalists and other thiefs with unload?
I don’t get why p/p is not the meta.
It would be nice if some professional players give me advice
(edited by flyingplanet.6912)
D/p is meta in PvP and WvW only, for the utility of gaining stealth quick aswell as the hard hitting backstab and auto attack chain.
PvE d/d (pistol for raid only iirc, for the CC) or staff is meta. All benchmarks were done at level 80 with the appropriate armor, runes, weapons and sigils (for both direct damage and condition damage respectively).
P/p is easily counterable by elementalists, or any profession that can reflect/mitigate the Unload enough to drain you of Initiative, then you’re a goner.
But, in short, play how you want. I personally have all weapons on my thief ready to use. Full ascended as and when I feel like and know I’m not gimping my party. Some weapons are better in certain situations, d/p (pvp meta) or s/d-p is ok in PvP, is S/p is good for trash, d/d or Staff for bosses, p/p for when you need single target range dps, and shortbow for blasts/skips/quick get aways.
(edited by Haleydawn.3764)
My thief has two daggers and two pistols so I can either set it up as d/p <> p/d or d/d <> p/p and swap depending what I’m about to do.
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