Nevermore – Thief – Sea of Sorrows
Question about legendaries?
Nevermore – Thief – Sea of Sorrows
Yes- a number of people have made legendaries for this purpose since the update.
Ember Solace [SOL] – A guild welcoming of newbies and those at the margins.
New Player Outreach Thread
Thanks for the reply! =)
Nevermore – Thief – Sea of Sorrows
Honestly, why would you want to transmute the look of an exotic or ascended onto a legendary?
The only benefit I see from this is being able to change your stats out of combat.
But that is a hefty price to pay to get that luxury. It is far cheaper to just make two/three ascended weapons of different stats.
I agree..and I’m pretty sure Falunel was being sarcastic (though I can’t be sure). The whole idea of transmuting an Ascended look into a legendary seems..extremely dumb. No offense. First of all, why? The only actual benefit you would gain from this is the ability to switch stats on the go. Then again you would also have the legendary quality (purplish item color) but the only reason you might need this is for bragging rights, so that’s out of the question. Then you’d have to ask yourself whether [what you intend to do] is a sensible upshot of spending ~1000g to craft a legendary (of course most cost less/more to craft, I would say this is the average cost). Consider also that the reason most people strive for legendaries (as opposed to ascended) is for their aesthetic appeal.
I had trasnmutated my legendary pre-patch (before the one introducing the ‘changing stats’ option went live) since I had wanted a specific stat combo on it, but I was able to untransmutate it for free after the patch. Once I was able to lock in zerk stats for my legendary, I haven’t ever needed to change it once since. Though I do wish it were possible to change sigils as well (but I veer off-topic). In the end it really depends how many additional stat combinations you’re looking at. If its just one or two, I’d say just run duplicate exotics/ascended with those stats (since statwise there’s only about a 5% markup from exotic to ascended/legendary). If its a lot more, then it would probably make sense to transmutate the stats of your legendary with exotic/ascended, but thats only if the aesthetics of those appeal to you more than that of your legendary (personally I’d say if thats the case, anet isn’t doing their job well at all). But in the end, its your choice and decision to make.
(edited by nagr.1593)
I agree..and I’m pretty sure Falunel was being sarcastic (though I can’t be sure).
I wasn’t- sarcasm to the point of misleading questioners is poor form, at least to me. There’s at least one person who transmuted their Bolt onto a plain iron sword to check this theory, and others who’ve said they’re making legendaries now for this purpose.
As for why they would do it- legendaries will always be best-in-slot, and you can change their stats around if the meta ever shifts. If you want to use a non-legendary rare weapon like Wings of Dwayna or Infinite Light in any situation, you can transmute the corresponding legendary onto it and never have to worry about missing out on the skin if you want to run another statset. Also, you save on inventory space when it comes to carrying weapons of different statsets.
It’s quite a bit of work, but ultimately up to them.
Ember Solace [SOL] – A guild welcoming of newbies and those at the margins.
New Player Outreach Thread