Question about server transfers

Question about server transfers

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: eureka.3069



Hey, I stopped playing GW2 back in August and recently returned to the game. I joined up with a guild on another server with a WvW focus and am ready to transfer to their server. However, I read that I would not be able to participate in WvW mode for that server for at least a week. I also read that this season of WvW is almost over on May 30th, and was wondering if the rule about not being able to partake in WvW will carry over until after the season is over as well? Obviously I’d like to save my money on gems to transfer, but if it is not going to make a difference then I think that I would rather transfer now and pay a bit more to get in a week sooner.

Thanks for your time.

Ikiya – 80 Elementalist — Ai Risu – 80 Guardian — Ki Wa – 80 thief

Running with [II] The Guild Unknown on Fort Aspenwood

Question about server transfers

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: MeanPi.6025


Unless I’m missing something today is May 15. May is a 31 day month. You do the math.

Question about server transfers

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: eureka.3069


Unless I’m missing something today is May 15. May is a 31 day month. You do the math.

That solves nothing, since I don’t fully understand how the system works…

Ikiya – 80 Elementalist — Ai Risu – 80 Guardian — Ki Wa – 80 thief

Running with [II] The Guild Unknown on Fort Aspenwood