Question for who got Lvl 80

Question for who got Lvl 80

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kogam.4752


So, quick question: what you do once you’re 80? Dungeons, WvW and PvP?

Also, why would you do dungeons if you are Lvl 80?

Thanks (:

~ Mantus Family ~
Member of Kaineng

Question for who got Lvl 80

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kingteranas.1376


Fractals for ascended rings/weapons, WvW if you like it, living world, sPvP, the reasons for running dungeons are the unique armor and weapon skins you can get with dungeon tokens, you can transmute -80 ones into 80 gear if you like the skins, the increased loot, and the gold rewards.

Kingteranas – 80 Guardian
Queen Of Macabre – 80 Thief
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Question for who got Lvl 80

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Wallace MacBix.2089

Wallace MacBix.2089

I spent the first bit of time working on world completion. When I found a map I really liked (Frostgorge sound) I spend 1-2 months just doing my daily there and running events and doing the three dragons (way back before champs gave loot, and world bosses gave guaranteed rares).

Since then, I just relax and do my daily and world bosses or occasionally I work on an alt, do PvP for 30 min, do a little bit of WvW, etc. Do whatever you find fun.

Also people run dungeons for a couple of reasons:
1) They give good income (maybe 2nd best, next to champ farming)
2) They can spend tokens on exotics to throw in the forge
3) They can use the tokens to gear up alts
4) Fun?

Question for who got Lvl 80

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kogam.4752


I see, you basically do what you want and find funny. So you do dungeons to gear yourself and alts? Hm. What you get from daily? Who are those three dragons?

~ Mantus Family ~
Member of Kaineng

Question for who got Lvl 80

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Danikat.8537


What do I do after getting to level 80? Everything. Well, I haven’t tried PvP yet and I’ve barely played WvW but I will do sometime. Mostly I kept doing the same things I was doing before – exploring and completing maps, doing the Living Story (which was just taking off back in April when I got my first 80) and finishing my Personal Story.

As for why do dungeons there’s lots of reasons. For me the main one is because they’re there. I’d be missing out on a big chunk of the game if I didn’t.

But also because every dungeon has unique armor and weapons that can only be bought with tokens acquired by doing that dungeon. So if you want any of those you have to do the dungeon to get them.

Some dungeons are also among the most ‘efficient’ ways of getting money in the game, so if that’s a priority for you then sooner or later you’ll need to do dungeon runs.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Question for who got Lvl 80

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Wallace MacBix.2089

Wallace MacBix.2089

I see, you basically do what you want and find funny. So you do dungeons to gear yourself and alts? Hm. What you get from daily? Who are those three dragons?

Ah the daily just gives you some AP, some exp (which isn’t that useful when you have 600+ skill points), a tiny amount of karma/luck/silver, a mystic coin, a laurel, and a chance at a gem store item (mostly the laurel is the most “valuable” thing as you can only get 1/day, and some extra from achievement points and monthlies).

I didn’t personally gear up with dungeons (I only started running my “first” dungeon maybe a month or two ago), but a lot of people do. The dragons bosses are Shatter, Teq, and Claw of Jormag. Claw of Jormag has to be my favorite, from a cinematic perspective, even if he is the most time consuming to kill.

Sadly, unless you’re on a server (or guest to one) that actually kills Teq regularly, you will never kill him since his change. There’s about ~10-15 “world bosses” that all give a guaranteed rare, a chest on the ground, and some dragonite ore (for ascended crafting). They’re spread out among a bunch of maps, and respawn ever 2-4 hours.

Question for who got Lvl 80

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


You can do PvP with level 2, so no.

I do WvW to test myself against other players. I grind for Ascended and mine/chop T6 mats. I do dailies my alts can’t.

Those dailies my alts can do, always get done by them. That way they don’t lose out on the levelling the free XP gives.

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Question for who got Lvl 80

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Justdeifyme.9387


I run certain things on a daylie basis to get myself gold for my Legendary.
I have 3 80s I run the Orichalcum and Ancient Wood nodes in the 4 lvl 80 maps with, which rewards a good chunk of gold for the little effort I have to put in. After that I run the Citadel of Flame dungeon Path 1 for the extra quick gold and the Tokens to get my alt free armor.

After that I do the living story achievements, try to get into WvW and rotate through the Temple events in Orr and the other world bosses. If I finish all that and I’m still motivated to play, I run fractals, finish map completion with my alts and level the ones that aren’t 80 yet.