Question regarding gifting and repeat items

Question regarding gifting and repeat items

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ketilya.2308



Hello everyone,

I apologize if this question has been asked before, but I’ve checked the FAQ and been looking all over for the answer to this question before I spend my gems, and haven’t found the answer yet.

Skrittmas is coming, and I want to give shinies to my friends. The thing is, I don’t know every gem purchase that they’ve made, and I don’t want to go asking if they have this or that item, because it will spoil the surprise. What I want to know is: if, say, my friend has a certain outfit or mini, will the gem store notify me before the gift is sent that they already have that item unlocked on their account, or will my gems be wasted? I know there is an issue with the gem store not warning people about bank slot purchases, but I didn’t know if that extended to other items.

Thanks in advance for your help/answers. Merry Skrittmas and Happy Wintersday!

Question regarding gifting and repeat items

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Soren.9316


Far as I know there is no way outside of asking your friends if they have the item or not.

IGN: Soren the Always Lost
Gaiscioch Family [GSCH]