Questions about monthly - JP and Fractals

Questions about monthly - JP and Fractals

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Katz.5143


Can you “rediscover” a JP or is someone who has discovered them already blocked from completing the monthly? How many do you have to discover? 30? The first of the 3 tiers is 10. Someone said that you only have to go to the entrance of the puzzle to get credit… is that correct?

For fractals…do you have to complete 7 different levels to get credit for the 7 or do you have to just do a fractal dungeon 7 times? (So you could complete level 1 for example 7 times.)

It’s a kitten conspiracy. Kittens gonna be kittens. All is vain!

Questions about monthly - JP and Fractals

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Garambola.2461


You have to visit 30 JP’s. You can revisit the same one with every alt you have and once every day. You don’t have to do the puzzle, just go to the start.

No. Not seven levels. Level has nothing to do with this achievement. You need 7 individual fractals. A complete run is three fractals. On even levels (2,4,6…) you also get a bonus fourth once a day. It takes max 3 complete runs to get the 7 individual fractals needed. But even if you do just one fractal and your group disbands, you have that one in the bank.

Questions about monthly - JP and Fractals

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Donari.5237


Fractals: Each one counts and you get 3 in a full run, so 3 fractal runs of any level finishes that.

Jumping: Just go to the start of the puzzle. You can check your progress bar before and after to see that it has ticked up by one. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been to them before. The fun way is to go around doing them, of course, but as time is short for the rest of the month, here’s a way to supplement it:

Go to LA overflow. Go to the start of each puzzle. If you get in main, do it again on the same character. Otherwise, get on an alt, repeat. It resets with the dailies, so you can discover the puzzles again the next day with each alt. That will add up fast to the 30 puzzles you need.

I got a lot of them done that way but also followed Dulfy’s guide to find some puzzles I’d never heard of. That was fun!

Questions about monthly - JP and Fractals

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Katz.5143


Thanks for the helpful answers.

What is the approximate average time it takes to complete a fractal run?

It’s a kitten conspiracy. Kittens gonna be kittens. All is vain!

(edited by Katz.5143)

Questions about monthly - JP and Fractals

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: StrayDilettante.8671


It depends on your level, group, experience and what kind of fractal you got. Averagely, it takes around 1 hour or less to run finish 3 fractal rounds. Slightly more than 1 hour if you are doing the even level.

However, this is if everything goes your way with little hiccups. When I start out, it took me 2 hours before. And 3 hours if nothing goes our way.

Questions about monthly - JP and Fractals

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: GummiBear.2756


as others said every even level have a 4th fractal, meaning if you do an even+ and uneven full level run, that is enough to get the fractal achievement (and could ahve you progressing another 2 level’s on top then if you do it at your max possible

Questions about monthly - JP and Fractals

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: VoxShatterfall.5470


Since I already posted in another thread about this I might as well here so people who aren’t able to get the last few JP discoveries in a timely fashion can get it.

Copypasta begin:

OK a few things to note – JP discovery occurs when you start a JP on a server shard which you havn’t started before OR when you start a JP after completing it on a server shard. For each of the JPs in LA there are definite “start” thresholds for when you cross them count as a discovery, for two of those JPs you can manually walk out of the “start” threshold.

Now the above is very important to understand, because what you will next do is a bit… interesting. Ever since Lost Shores came out we started seeing LARGE populations of players hanging out in LA, it is good and bad for reasons I will not explain here. Many servers are stuffed to capacity with the players in LA that force you to an overflow when you enter LA with your character. Now, by my estimates during a busy time (even with wintersday) there are at least 20-30 overflow shards of LA in existence. When a player first gets into LA via login / warp from a different map the OF shards put that player in a random OF based on server load. This in turn creates a situation where you can continually log in and out in order to cycle thru around 10-15 of the shards in around 20 relogs.

Combining the two sets of information : “start” a JP on OF shard G, move your character to outside of the start zone, relog arriving at OF shard D, “start” a JP on OF shard D, move your character outside of the start zone, so on and so forth.
By doing this with up to 2-3 characters on the 2 easily doable JPs in LA you can achieve 30 discoveries in no time.
(note that I use an SSD so yeah, my load times are very fast)

ALSO – doing this WILL put additional strain on the login server (to be fair it will put strain on your HDD as well), IF too many of us do it it might cause some issues for other players. (this is the reason why I didn’t reveal this sooner)
SO – don’t do this unless you are absolutely desperate to get the last handful of JP discoveries.

Commander Vox Shatterfall / Ward Zabach / Ifrit the Immolated
Angry Intent | Multiple Servers
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