Questions about putting Money in the Bank / Why do it

Questions about putting Money in the Bank / Why do it

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vivisector.5680


Just have a question regarding putting money in the bank in this game. I know they have the slot, and I know how to transfer money into the bank. I was just wondering if there is a purpose behind it.

I know theives have a pickpocket skill. Can they rob your money in WvWvW? I am pretty sure there is no way of dropping your money on death in the game. Or do you earn interest on money that is sitting in the bank.

There are 2 reasons I ask this. First I noticed you get achievements for how much you have in your bank. Second if you can’t lose your money, and it doesn’t take a bag slot in your inventory, and you don’t get anything from putting money in the bank, why would you do it? When you finally wanted to purchase an item, or your armour needs to be repaired you all of a sudden have a run/port across the map to get your money. Then if its a Merchant selling something rare, you have to go all the way back to find them again. It just seems to me to be smarter to hang on to all the money unless you want to push it in for a few seconds to get an achievement.

I hope I am missing an aspect of the game.

Knights of Beowulf (Sorrow’s Furnace)

Questions about putting Money in the Bank / Why do it

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Demonspawn.9046


You could withdraw the money in the bank onto another character to give it a slight boost in some change

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Questions about putting Money in the Bank / Why do it

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Beorn Saxon.4762

Beorn Saxon.4762

The bank can be used to transfer money between characters. Also, there is most likely a limit to how much money you can have on your character, any excess can be stored in your bank as well (this was a common usage in the original Guild Wars).

Tarnished Coast
Critical Impact [Crit]

Questions about putting Money in the Bank / Why do it

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Somna.5168


Isn’t there an achievement for this as well?

Questions about putting Money in the Bank / Why do it

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nkuvu.2570


I use the bank money for character to character transfer. But also for simple consolidation of funds. Each character carries around about 20 silver, and the rest gets deposited into the bank.

So in the end I don’t have one character that’s rich and the rest poor, they’re all about the same — meaning that I don’t have to jump to alts if one of them wants to use the money for things like trading post or what have you. It’s also easier to keep track of whether I can really afford something if I know my overall wealth at a glance.

I haven’t yet found anything in the world where I felt that I needed to have that item right this moment (i.e., the vendor with the shiny shiny stuffs), all of my purchases have been in town anyway.

Questions about putting Money in the Bank / Why do it

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Beaster.4531


Isn’t there an achievement for this as well?

Yes, and a title for storing 200 gold in the bank at once

Questions about putting Money in the Bank / Why do it

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Danikat.8537


I use it mainly to share gold between my characters.

I have 4 characters and I switch between them all depending on what I’m doing. So it’s helpful for them to share gold so I don’t waste time saving/farming to afford something when I’ve actually got the money on a different character.

Also because I like to play them cooperatively in some ways. For example my ranger my deposit gold so my ele (who is also a cook) can buy ingredients to make boosts for my thief to use when I do a difficult bit.

But mostly I’ve been using it to consolodate my gold to buy minis with.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Questions about putting Money in the Bank / Why do it

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jezath.7395


for me it helps me save... If i dont see it i dont spend it

Tis not what they can do for you
Tis only what you can do for all

Questions about putting Money in the Bank / Why do it

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: tolunart.2095


Because you cannot send mail to yourself, the only way to share items and coin between toons is through the bank. If you have a level 80 with a few gold to spare and are working on crafting for a new alt with no money, it’s easier to withdraw some money from the bank to buy supplies than to log out, log in with the 80, buy supplies and deposit them, then log out and back in with the alt.

Questions about putting Money in the Bank / Why do it

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: CriusTheSecond.4890


Actually i understand the reason of a “deposit” into the bank but i cannot see a reason to not enable Vendor / Trading Post to automatically use bank’s gold when you don’t have enought gold on the character.

It’s rather annoying when i’ve to buy something with a low-budget character, i’ve to:
*Check the amount of resource i need to buy from the Trading Post
*Note how much money i need
*Log the character (main) with the money
*Deposit to the bank
*Log the char who needs money
*buy the items

And hoping i don’t need something more ’cause i need to repeat the procedure every time.

Just let the TP/Vendor withdraw the amount of money needed if the character haven’t enough money on it. maybe with an alert before, just to be sure the player notice it.