Quick question
You may be out of luck, sorry. I don’t think I have read anything about bringing them back anytime soon.
But, you never know, they might, so keep your eyes open. In the mean time, you still play with your friends through the guesting feature.
You weren’t put into a world but rather chose a world. You could have waited.
Having said that, there is always guesting as mention. Or…you can’t possibly be that high of level so you might want to consider wiping the slate clean and starting fresh on your friends server.
so you might want to consider wiping the slate clean and starting fresh on your friends server.
Can you do that? I honestly don’t know…
Please let us know, if you are successful switching servers by deleting your characters (if you go that way).
It’s reasons like this that Guesting was made. You can still play with your freidns on their server, and do everything but WvW. Of course if you’re ready for WvW you can probably afford a transfer.
They won’t ever bring back free transfers. It caused a ton of problems and would be an absolutely stupid business decision since they can now get money for them