Quick question on 'Names' of characters
Not 100% sure but think the name would be reserved for you for about 24 hours or so after you delete the character
Did your friend play Guild Wars? If he has the HoM and used the name(s) in that game it should be reserved for him already.
If it’s like GW1, it may last maybe a day. I remember creating a name I liked in GW1 for a PvP character.. later, deleted it for slot space and made a different character. Came back maybe a day or two later to use the same name, and it was gone.
It is supposed to reserve it for 24 hours after deletion pretty much.
And Sandra, the name reservations from GW1 have already expired. There are no names being reserved now aside from ones that are already taken or have been decently in the last 24 hours.
Leader and founder of [BIO] on Sea of Sorrows
Oh, I didn’t realise that
I just assumed it would carry on so never checked.
Thanks Sisho