Quickdraw Raffle

Quickdraw Raffle

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Aurontm.7389


Today I was playing on Gendarran Fields with my lvl 40 guardian Tankinalday when I stumbled upon some lower level gear that, while good, was not fit for my character. While normally I would break down/sell the item I decided to broadcast to the area that the first person to /Whisper me would receive the item. Many responded and I decided to give away more things. I am not claiming to be the first to do this but I have never seen before was the response from the community. While mailing items to the ‘winners’ I told them one thing, “Pay it forward”. One by one, people decided that instead of making a few coin, or getting some crafting items they could take a few minutes to play a quick game with fellow server mates and give away some items.

I decided to dub this mini community event “Quickdraw Raffle”

This was one of the most heart warming things I have seen and proves what a great community that Guild Wars 2.

I urge you to start this on your server and in your area. At any level you can really make someones day and help each other out. And who knows, you could get a great item just because someone was being a good Samaritan….. and you had the quickest fingers

Quickdraw Raffle

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kentilli.8249


Absolutely! This event was a fantastic idea. I was there for the beginning of this and am glad to be taking part in it right now on my warrior Natso Fast.

Things like this make gaming so enjoyable.

Quickdraw Raffle

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Firebender Crystal.3497

Firebender Crystal.3497

I was there as well, on my level 30 Ember the Flame and found it a fun way to adventure and try and help people out!

Quickdraw Raffle

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Virulis.2683


This sounds really nice and it gives the lower-level maps player activity where it would otherwise be fairly quiet.

Quickdraw Raffle

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Aurontm.7389


This sounds really nice and it gives the lower-level maps player activity where it would otherwise be fairly quiet.

I agree! Livens up the world a bit. Reminds you other people are playing!

Quickdraw Raffle

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: akamon.2769


that’s great! and i love this idea : )))
i do that with dyes that i have duplicates of, no matter the quality. i usually just tell ‘em to enjoy. i’ll be sure to add in your little “pay it forward” next time ; ))) great stuff!

i’ll start doing this with low level gear and what not as well

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall