Ranger Or Mesmer?

Ranger Or Mesmer?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: cookie.3562


Hi ..just need to pick one of those 2 for all pve/pvp/3w/spvp..and wich one is the most fun to play ? thx..

Ranger Or Mesmer?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Carpboy.7145


It comes down to whichever one is most fun for you.

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Ranger Or Mesmer?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Veprovina.4876


Well which do you think is most fun?
I play Mesmer… Other people play ranger or warrior or necromancer or whatever…

Fun is very subjective. I doubt anyone on the forum can answer that question for you.

Ravos Xar, Ash Legion Charr Mesmer

Ranger Or Mesmer?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Husky.6018


Mesmer. Ranger is thought down on, and a bad ranger (yes they exist) sucks.

Ranger Or Mesmer?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Adine.2184


I would say Mesmer .They have better support skills for WvW and dungeons in my opinion. Ranger can be fun but it makes for a better PvE alt where as Mesmer is a better everything class . Im a Mesmer main though so im a bit bias .

Ranger Or Mesmer?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Contiguous.1345


I’ve tried Thief, Ele, Guardian Mesmer all at end-game.

I find Mesmer the most fun of those at the moment.

Ranger Or Mesmer?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: cookie.3562


yeah i’ll give mesm a try but i heard that suck big time at movement speed..is it correct?

Ranger Or Mesmer?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ethics.4519


I would say mesmer, as it is my main (although I have all).

Mesmer is intense gameplay. You’re extremely valuable to your group, but you HAVE to know what you’re doing. You’re expected to do certain things like portal boulders in CoF p1, reflect OHK projecticles like Lupi in Arah, Veil the zerg or WvW, Hide and portal people in keeps if you get in, Mass invis if your teammate is getting stomped in PvP, etc. It’s intense, but very rewarding gameplay.

Ranger is rather looked down upon in PvE, especially for dungeons. I found the gameplay to be lackluster and boring for the most part. There’s a lot of micromanaging of your pet, just to get lackluster DPS. However, if you want a more laid back playstyle, it might be for you.

Edit: The movement speed is an issue. It sucks, but the class is so great I put up with it. If it hurts you too much, most mesmers recommend getting centaur runes to help. A 25% movement speed increase utility wouldn’t help, because we have so many great utilities, no way you’re gonna waste one. The focus is a fantastic weapon and can give you swiftness for 2/3 of the time, without any boon boost sigils/food.

RIP in peace Robert

Ranger Or Mesmer?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892


My, at the time, main and first level 80 is a Ranger. I do 99% solo PvE stuff. It was fun for a while and pretty good for solo PvE but it got boring fast. For me it was my learning profession. I could stay at range and avoid a lot of damage. I’ve had my Ranger on the self for over a month now.

I have a main Mesmer now and it is a lot more fun. It just seems that there is so much more with the mechanics and various weapon skills that make it more interesting. Not having a passive swiftness boost is kind of a bummer. However for PvE when I want to travel faster I run with a focus with boon duration increases in traits and use skill 4. I think I have it to about 7 seconds of down time between when swiftness runs out and before I can cast it again. Just don’t make a giant Norn or Charr Mesmer because even though they don’t actually go slower it looks like they are due to the animations. Also one of the perks of Mesmer is being able to portal people at jump puzzles and it’s harder to do jump puzzles with Norn and Charr.

The Burninator

(edited by JustTrogdor.7892)

Ranger Or Mesmer?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Farming Flats.5370

Farming Flats.5370

There’s a lot of micromanaging of your pet, just to get lackluster DPS. However, if you want a more laid back playstyle, it might be for you.

It depend on how you build it … i have 6 lvl 80 and one of them is a Ranger. My Ranger is super fun to play and not a ‘’ laid back playstyle’‘.. i dont use bows. So i use Sword/Torch ( legendary Rodgort) and dual axes. 71% crit chance and 101% Crit damage. i can slice everything into pepperoni. Zephyr’s Speed is a amazing trait for a Sword Ranger.

Ranger Or Mesmer?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Falunel.7645


(semi-relevant links)

Giganticus Lupicus 41s kill with an all-ranger group

Reddit thread over ranger with a posting from a [DnT] member. Includes the record speedrun for CoF (1 ranger, 2 thieves, 1 mesmer, 1 warrior).

Playing a ranger well is very difficult, moreso than playing a warrior well, and dealing with the pet can be frustrating- however, they’re not the deadweight class people make them out to be. The stigma the class gets is a result of many players playing ranger poorly- never learning to dodge, relying on the pet to tank everything, and being completely helpless when it dies, as well as refusing to do anything but autoattack with longbow and spam Point Blank Shot (a low CD knockback that is very annoying to melee teammates). Bows are fine in open-world PvE and WvW, but they’re weak main weapons in dungeons, so if you want to be a bowman, you will probably have to make some concessions on that front.

Ultimately, though, it’ll boil down to what playstyle you enjoy more- what do you enjoy doing? If possible, give both classes a try.

Falunel – Sylvari Elementalist | Falche Graysong – Human Mesmer | Tarnished Coast
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Ranger Or Mesmer?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ethics.4519


There’s a lot of micromanaging of your pet, just to get lackluster DPS. However, if you want a more laid back playstyle, it might be for you.

It depend on how you build it … i have 6 lvl 80 and one of them is a Ranger. My Ranger is super fun to play and not a ‘’ laid back playstyle’‘.. i dont use bows. So i use Sword/Torch ( legendary Rodgort) and dual axes. 71% crit chance and 101% Crit damage. i can slice everything into pepperoni. Zephyr’s Speed is a amazing trait for a Sword Ranger.

Yes, it definitely depends how you play it. In a PvE dungeon the mesmer is expected to do a lot of things, and it’s very easy to notice when it’s not done. Lets look at CoF p1 for example.

1) Pull both mobs to the turret in the beginning
2) Feedback the mob from the 2nd turret hitting
3) Pull slave driver against the wall
4) Feedback slave driver if he’s still alive, protecting your party from effigy
5) Not necessary, but feedback 1 turret during the run
6) Portal your party past the boulders
7) Pop SOI for the warrior going to do console
8) Time warp the final boss
9) Watch for tell to feedback final boss.

The ranger has to:
1) Make sure spotter trait is turned on.
2) Keep up frost spirit

This is just one example. But I think it applies to most dungeons.

RIP in peace Robert

Ranger Or Mesmer?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Adventurous Cookie.1658

Adventurous Cookie.1658

Hi ..just need to pick one of those 2 for all pve/pvp/3w/spvp..and wich one is the most fun to play ? thx..


Anet, you’re breaking my heart! You’re going down a path I cannot follow!

(edited by Adventurous Cookie.1658)

Ranger Or Mesmer?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: cookie.3562


@gamemaster.7154 GREAT post))) Ive laughed for a few mins))

Ranger Or Mesmer?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Veprovina.4876



Hahaha! This brightened up my day!

Ravos Xar, Ash Legion Charr Mesmer

Ranger Or Mesmer?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Shyhalu.4891



WELL.. now I wan to be a mesmer because.. Loki<3

Ranger Or Mesmer?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: cookie.3562


this is hilarious ..50% mesmer -50% ranger ..what to do ^^ T.T