Ranger Pets - Variety, Pet Evolution, and Customization.

Ranger Pets - Variety, Pet Evolution, and Customization.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vigilence.4902


I would first like to start off on saying what a great job Arenanet did with Guild Wars 2. Playing the Ranger class is joyful and fun, but there are a few things, especially with pet variety that I feel could use improvement.

The image of a Ranger, while different from game to game, has always been synonymous with the Rangers pet. While GW2 addresses this by allowing the player a chance to tame up to a total of 21 pets, I feel that its not enough. Not that 21 pets is nothing to sneeze at. Seen that Crimson Moa or Black Raptor, but became disappointed the second you realized you couldn’t tame it? You’re not the only one. Considering the amount of diversified fauna contained inside GW2, you begin to realize how extremely limited, constrained the number of tamable pets in GW2 really is.

If I were to use a pet for tanking in a PvE situation then my only option would be a pet from the Bear family like the Artodus, or Brown Bear. While the Bear does its job well, it kinda gets old using the same pet over and over and over. In fact it gets downright boring and stale.

What I would like to see is an increase in pet variety that address the different roles needed by a ranger. Wouldn’t it be cool if instead of a using a Bear pet for tanking, players had a choice to use an Armadillo? Or instead of that Shark players could use a Manta Ray, Dolphin or Barracuda? I know I would certainly like to try my new Barracuda out on some new victims.

Aside from being disappointed by the small number of pets players are allowed to tame in GW2, I was heartbroken to see that visually your pet will not change as it gets up in higher levels. Why not for example, have a pets visual look as well as size slightly change as the pet reaches every 20 levels. When a pet reaches level 20 its size increases slightly, and it go’s from a juvenile look to something slightly tougher. This new look could even occur at every 20 levels so that by level 80 the pet looks tough as hell, cooler, and nothing like its juvenile version.

One of the cool things about GW1 was that you always new the sex of your pet. While the sex was totally meaning less as far as game play was concerned why no instead of removing this feature, improve upon it? You could add it to the whole visual look variety and make certain female pets visually different from male ones. Ultimately becoming more evident as they reach level 80. For example, the male Drakes could have larger dorsal spikes, slight increase in size and brighter coloring.

Now I began reading up on the Ranger class and came across something fairly interesting. What happened to “Pets have customization options. The first of these has to do with a pet’s evolution level. Pets evolve up to 20 evolution levels. Each pet type receives automatic bonuses at different evolution levels. For bears, these bonuses might be increased health or increased damage. Pets gain evolution points when the player gains XP while the pet is active. At certain evolution levels, pets will unlock ability slots (up to 4 total). Ability slots can be filled from a list of active pet abilities based on pet type.” ? It simply vanished and was never talked about again.

I thought this was a great idea. At each evolution level not only could the pet visually change slightly (leading up to its final form) but could also unlock a new unique skill, which would be unique to that pet for a total of 4 unique skills your pet can have. The unique skills can be swapped similar to the way a player can change its utility/elite skills. As a pet reaches each evolution level they could gain at max level, a total of 4 evolution points, in which they could allocate into several things such as individual stat improvement, cool down reduction, etc. Now the pets that were squishy and not really useful in PvP or PvE situations because they died so fast could have a little more toughness and vitality added helping stay alive longer.

These ideas will add some variety in the way players customize and use their pets, and some visually flavor in the way pets level and evolve, and make the overall whole pet leveling experience something fun, joyful and exciting.

TL;DR – increase the variety of pets players can tame, re-implement the evolution system you promised us, and add some visual flair to pets as they level up.

(edited by Vigilence.4902)

Ranger Pets - Variety, Pet Evolution, and Customization.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Orbys.4895


I 100% agree with this and also felt the same frustration that there was no pet evolution. I was looking forward to this the most of anything. The whole reason I choose ranger is because I love the tamer pet class. However, pets are next to useless sometimes. They die so easy, even specing to be a pet master has little to no impact. Anyways back to point:

1. Add pet evolution. I to want to see pets visually change, heck I would even like some skill evolution on them as well.

2. Allow taming of “most” pets or monsters in the game. This could be done by allowing the ranger to have say.. up to 8 pets. Sticking to the 4 available at any given time.

When a monster gets low that is tamable the option would come up, and you could tame it, or kill it. Obviously this would not work on monsters like Sons of Sivir, Plant Turrets, Bosses, or Dragons.. but still. The rest should be fine.

Ranger Pets - Variety, Pet Evolution, and Customization.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vigilence.4902


I 100% agree with this and also felt the same frustration that there was no pet evolution.

When I realized that they never added the pet evolution they promised players I was very disappointed.

However, pets are next to useless sometimes. They die so easy, even specing to be a pet master has little to no impact.

I agree with this as well. Some pets die too fast to have an impact in battle. This becomes more evident when you are in dungeons, where the absolute necessity is a bear tank, simply because its dies the slowest.

Add pet evolution. I to want to see pets visually change, heck I would even like some skill evolution on them as well.

I would be very, very happy if this was added. I’m sure there isn’t a Ranger player here who wouldn’t be.

2. Allow taming of “most” pets or monsters in the game. This could be done by allowing the ranger to have say.. up to 8 pets. Sticking to the 4 available at any given time.

Something like this could work. They could add a pet stable, in which all our pets would be stored. The stable would have a max cap at 30 or so and if the player wishes to increase the cap then they would require gems.

Would be cool if I could tame a juvenile griffon, sadly we can’t.

Ranger Pets - Variety, Pet Evolution, and Customization.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ghyst.8671


I would love to have a griffon! As for the rest of the OP, it would great to see an evolution system and have our pets reflect the long hard roads we cover together. Me and my bear Nuk have adventured all over Tyria and he still looks the same, GW2 is advanced enough I think to allow our pets to change over time/levels.

[Cloak] – US Anvil Rock – PvE guild obsessed with clearing EX mode dungeons and WvWvW.

Ranger Pets - Variety, Pet Evolution, and Customization.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ArtifexDominus.8675


I think there are some interesting thoughts. I want my pet to be an extension of me, not just a dumbed down ai version. I wish i could flag my pet like the heroes in GW1, I wish they had more than a single controllable skill to use in battle, and I wish that there was some sort of evolution. Would love to see some of these things implemented! All in all though, im just happy to have a companion

Ranger Pets - Variety, Pet Evolution, and Customization.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Toranaga.4185


I totally agree with you as well. Although there is the Masters Bond trait in the Beastmastery trait line it leaves much to be desired. Btw a bear is one of the toughest mobs in game with toughness signet, regeneration signet and the trait Compassion Training in the Beastmastery line. Can do a same-level veteran or a 3 level lower champion troll on its own^^

Ranger Pets - Variety, Pet Evolution, and Customization.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: souldonkey.9534


If your pets are dying too much you’re doing it wrong. you should be swapping your pets before they die. I’ve had no issues doing this. As long as I pay attention to my pet’s health I can easily swap an almost dead pet out for my spare pet and then swap back when the spare pet is low on health. That’s the reason you have a pet swap ability. I did AC story the other day with a spider and a hyena. The only times my pets died were when I died.

Ranger Pets - Variety, Pet Evolution, and Customization.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vigilence.4902


If your pets are dying too much you’re doing it wrong. you should be swapping your pets before they die. I’ve had no issues doing this. As long as I pay attention to my pet’s health I can easily swap an almost dead pet out for my spare pet and then swap back when the spare pet is low on health. That’s the reason you have a pet swap ability. I did AC story the other day with a spider and a hyena. The only times my pets died were when I died.

Out of everything that was written this is what you have to say? Please go troll somewhere else, your doing it wrong.

Ranger Pets - Variety, Pet Evolution, and Customization.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Eleri Tezhme.3048

Eleri Tezhme.3048

I wish i could flag my pet like the heroes in GW1, I wish they had more than a single controllable skill to use in battle

Now this would be a nifty mechanic, to be able to flag and customize your pet the way we used to do with heroes. I kinda miss bossing around my heroes…

Ranger Pets - Variety, Pet Evolution, and Customization.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mario Lemieux.9107

Mario Lemieux.9107

^ what he said


Ranger Pets - Variety, Pet Evolution, and Customization.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Corvax.1675


I want a rabbit!

Ranger Pets - Variety, Pet Evolution, and Customization.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: CC Dalmarus.8397

CC Dalmarus.8397

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Thanks for your question to the community, but the Players Helping Players is here for helping others figure out how to do something rather than general feedback and gameplay discussion. As such, this thread will be closed. More forum sections appropriate for this topic will be opened in the future. Thanks for your understanding and cooperation!