Ranger PvP - Incredibly kittened?

Ranger PvP - Incredibly kittened?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ildac.5631


Am I the only one who’s finding Ranger to be incredibly unsuitable for PvP? The idea of “stuns and area denial” are nice and all, but it seems like no matter how many skills I pop to keep someone rooted in place, they catch up anyway and two-shot me (warriors are especially guilty).

Is Ranger just kittened as hell, or am I just not picking the right weapons/traits?

Ranger PvP - Incredibly kittened?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ildac.5631


Oh god kittens everywhere. That made me lol.

Ranger PvP - Incredibly kittened?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: manwhat.1745


You say other people are two-shotting you. Why aren’t you two-shotting them?
I admit I haven’t played much PvP, only WvW, but in 1v1 situations there I’ve always done really well because the amount of bleeding I apply just melts the opposition; sometimes I apply a few stacks then switch to axe to fake them out so they use condition removal, at which point I switch straight back to shortbow and force them to have 10 bleed stacks and poison at all times.

Ranger actually doesn’t have that many stuns and they tend to be on long-ish cooldowns, they’re actually really focused on two things: conditions and damage-dealing.

Ranger PvP - Incredibly kittened?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Aetheogh.9127


Tried pvp once on my ranger and was defeated in less then 2 seconds.. Never going to do pvp on ranger again…

Aetheogh.9127|Sanctum of Rall Server|North America (Mountain Timezone)|(do not use voice)

Ranger PvP - Incredibly kittened?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vertix.5693


Sounds like you need a better build! Admittedly I find rangers alot easier than some classes to beat, but I have also seen them do tonnes of damage.

Look for a new build on the build websites, and also, you need to dodge alot xD

Ranger PvP - Incredibly kittened?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mojo.1930


I’ve never been 2 shot as a ranger, not even close to that. If anything i hardly ever die.
You need a better build, just aiming for Precision, Power and Crit damage isn’t the way to go. Toughness, Healing and Vitality are very important in PvP.

the ability “Protect Me” shout is also incredibly powerful as a survival cooldown.
I’m running with a 0/20/30/10/10 Build that makes me tough and improves both GS and Longbow recharge times. I have multiple knockbacks (number 4 skill on both weapons).

This build gives you the capability to survive and deal significant damage.

Ranger PvP - Incredibly kittened?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Draw.7529


Sometimes I can carry matches with ranger but not by kills. Just tacticaly running around and conquering points. Now I tried to play warrior and thief and it’s completly easy compared to ranger. Feels like spvp was made for melee classes. Too easy to catch people.
On the other hand. Ranger is way too good for pve. I spent most the time just sitting, watching my pet tanking mobs and my character auto-attacking.

Ranger PvP - Incredibly kittened?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ravnodaus.5130


I use a tanky support kind of build on my ranger in sPvP. I’ve yet to die to a 1v1, just doesn’t happen. Between dodging, continuous protection and regeneration, water field combo beatifulness, etc… coupled with moderate toughness and high vitality/healing… yep, too hard to kill. I had a really good 2v1 take me down once, but it was a pretty epic drawn out fight, lasted almost 2 minutes. Most of the time I just don’t die the whole match though.

It doesn’t have really any burst damage, it doesn’t have much sustained dps either really. But it will wear people down if they decide to stay and duke it out. And it’ll outtank and outheal anyon else’s dps, most assuredly. Pretty mobile too, don’t have to get lockedinto fights, can just disengage and move on…

Not sure how/why anyone would think rangers are squishy…far, far, far from it. Maybe your ranger is…but not rangers in general.

Why grind dungeons? Only relevant content…
Why? Gives needed gear…
Why do you need this gear? To do dungeons… duh.

Ranger PvP - Incredibly kittened?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Draw.7529


I use a tanky support kind of build on my ranger in sPvP. I’ve yet to die to a 1v1, just doesn’t happen. Between dodging, continuous protection and regeneration, water field combo beatifulness, etc… coupled with moderate toughness and high vitality/healing… yep, too hard to kill. I had a really good 2v1 take me down once, but it was a pretty epic drawn out fight, lasted almost 2 minutes. Most of the time I just don’t die the whole match though.

It doesn’t have really any burst damage, it doesn’t have much sustained dps either really. But it will wear people down if they decide to stay and duke it out. And it’ll outtank and outheal anyon else’s dps, most assuredly. Pretty mobile too, don’t have to get lockedinto fights, can just disengage and move on…

Not sure how/why anyone would think rangers are squishy…far, far, far from it. Maybe your ranger is…but not rangers in general.

That’s what I did with my ranger after a couple of matches in spvp. Even in PvE I went for a defense build. Still, ranger feels like a support class. You can tank and annoy other players with bleed, cripple, stuns and your pet always after them, but when it comes to deal some dmg, it doesn’t seem very good. I guess we’re just not used to that, seeing rangers with low dmg. I just thought we’d have a wider choice of builds and if we wanted to be squishy and deal great a great amount of dmg, that would be possible too.

Ranger PvP - Incredibly kittened?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ravnodaus.5130


That’s what I did with my ranger after a couple of matches in spvp. Even in PvE I went for a defense build. Still, ranger feels like a support class. You can tank and annoy other players with bleed, cripple, stuns and your pet always after them, but when it comes to deal some dmg, it doesn’t seem very good. I guess we’re just not used to that, seeing rangers with low dmg. I just thought we’d have a wider choice of builds and if we wanted to be squishy and deal great a great amount of dmg, that would be possible too.

Oh heavens no, we have other builds too! Ranger can be built for glass cannon, most certainly. We can mix and match, a lil dps, a lil tank, a lil support. Full on “you can’t kill me ha ha ha” mode, full on “BOOM, head shot” mode…anywhere in between.

The OP was just complaining about Ranger’s lack of survivability, and I thought I’d give my two cents about it. Ranger can be glass cannons and get 2 shot if they choose to build thier character that way, or they can pick up defensive traits and skills and be an immortal juggernaut if they prefer.

Why grind dungeons? Only relevant content…
Why? Gives needed gear…
Why do you need this gear? To do dungeons… duh.

Ranger PvP - Incredibly kittened?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Voltar.8574


i’m a terrible pvper and i always thought ranger was pretty forgiving. i never used any meta builds…just lb and ls/d with a crit and condy duration (for poison and vulnerability…only really used poison for the healing debuff which is pretty significant). seemed pretty survivable with 1v1 and precariously survivable with 1v2.

next time i go in though i’m going 30 power, 30 ws and go sb and a/t.

Ranger PvP - Incredibly kittened?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Crish.5341


I won 2vs1 with my ranger. Choose the pet that is right for you features and takes advantage of him.

Ranger PvP - Incredibly kittened?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Duckzor.4327


Rangers don’t really have a lot of burst besides the long bow rapid shot. It’s mainly all slow overtime smaller attacks. Back on topic, we can be pretty tanky. Check this video out and keep in mind he only had 5 toughness and 10 vitality trait points.

Thief WvW Solo Roam Video


Ranger PvP - Incredibly kittened?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Draw.7529


He’s also using that passive which makes your pet boons work on you aswell. I was actually considering trying this, since you can use toughness and regen passives and make a big deal when you activate them. The only problem is the cooldown :\

Ranger PvP - Incredibly kittened?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nestek.1584


Try that, I’ve watched the video several times and there’s a couple of utilities I’d switch around but in most Ranger vs. Melee situations I like it. If you’re dying quickly stick some traits in Wilderness Survivability. Kite Melee and switch to Melee to blast away squishy casters. CotW = Amazing.

Also I’d like to say that Ranger’s aren’t about quick kills its about drawing out the opponent and wearing them down.

(edited by Nestek.1584)

Ranger PvP - Incredibly kittened?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Anguloke.2706


I would say this is probably a gear / build issue.

You need to look around at different builds posted and see what others are doing. You don’t need to copy whole sale, but it will get you ideas.

And remember even with level buffing for PvP, gear does affect stats, you are going to be missing other things a fully geared 80 will have.