Really basic question about getting started

Really basic question about getting started

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: CommanderSalamander.7981


I’m just getting started and have three other friends that are playing as well. We’d like to play the game as a group. How do we find each other at the start of the game? I added one person to the party, but their picture is blacked out (they are on a different instance I presume). We are all on the same world. How far do we have to go solo before we can meet up, and how/where do we meet up?

Thanks in advance!

Really basic question about getting started

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Yramrag.3026


Once you are all in the same zone, you will be able to see each other’s portrait. So, just talk to each other (using Party chat) and make sure everyone goes to the same zone! Once everyone is in the same zone, you will be able to see blue dots on your map, which tells you where are they exactly in the zone.

Really basic question about getting started

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: CommanderSalamander.7981


Thanks. Follow-up question: how do we go about getting to the same zone, and how long will that take? We are all different races, so I guess we all start in different places?

Really basic question about getting started

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DreamyAbaddon.3265


I’m in game right now!
Perhaps i can help you out. =) Whisper me when you get my message

Really basic question about getting started

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: CommanderSalamander.7981


Very kind of you DreamyAbaddon, but I just shut things down. However, I think I figured out the answer to my own question… all races start the game near their capital cities, and all capital cities have an asura gate to Lion’s Arch, so I presume that is the easiest place to gather together quickly.

Really basic question about getting started

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DreamyAbaddon.3265


Very kind of you DreamyAbaddon, but I just shut things down. However, I think I figured out the answer to my own question… all races start the game near their capital cities, and all capital cities have an asura gate to Lion’s Arch, so I presume that is the easiest place to gather together quickly.

You are correct!
Well I hope all goes well for you =D
Welcome to GW2

Really basic question about getting started

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: fatbaldbloke.3275


Just to check, did you and your friends all sign up to the same server?

Don’t want you making the same mistake myself and a couple of friends made in not checking which server we were all joining during character creation