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Recently moved to Gw2. Questions.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: foward.8104


Hello everyone. I recently moved to Gw2. From mmo experiences I mostly played WoW and I did some high level content. I’m still getting used to gw2 mechanics which I am loving so far. So far all I did was level 2 characters to 80, a thief and a necromancer. I decided to make the necromancer my main since I enjoyed the playstyle more and I’m a bit tired of rogue type classes. So far before I try to move to high level content I intend to roam around and do low tier stuff so I get used to the game and stuff. I’m running full exotic gear with valkyrie armor and full berserker weapons and trinkets (scholar runes on armor. Force and Air on GS) . I’m using gs and staff at the moment with the reaper elite spec which was what made me decide to play necromancer. Basically my question is what kind of build (specs besides reaper, utilities) would compliment my gear and just overall pve? I intend to adapt my build and gear for higher level content but that is for later in the game. I will not change equipment for now. Thanks in advance!

PS – I apologize for any typos since I wrote this on my phone

Recently moved to Gw2. Questions.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Amaimon.7823


Well, as a necromancer you can go for condi or power based builds.
A reaper is a good complimentory regardless, but the greatsword is really designed for power plays.
When I run my necromancer on condi, I wield 2 scepters, and a warhorn and a dagger. This way I can toggle warhorn and dagger when i need more damage or a CC burst. The scepter remains, I equiped a toggle-sigil on it so it procs an effect.
When you have the reaper utility, skill 1 and skill 4 are good condition bursts.

As for power play, I’m not personally too fond of it (on the necromancer, at least), so I’m not sure how to give advice on that.
All I can say is, when you choose gear, find runes and sigils that complement your traits, and choose traits that complement your skills. As a great sword necromancer you will deal some chill, so get some traits that affect how chill works. If for example you can proc extra chills in critical hits, a good runeset would be one that increases ferocity.

Recently moved to Gw2. Questions.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Odokuro.5049


Necromancer is a wonderful choice for someone like you who is new to Guild Wars 2, it’s Elite Spec, Reaper, is awesome as well. Something you want to keep in mind with the class is that it’s death shroud/reaper shroud is based off of your HP, and certain traits can increase the % of total HP you have as it’s bar. So choosing gear with vitality, is great, and you can have a great crit chance, in shroud, if you choose the trait that gives you I think a 50% chance to crit while in shroud, so technically you could go full valkyrie gear, and be sure to get into shroud as often as possible for crits.

The Self-Proclaimed Pervy Sage of Yaks Bend.

Recently moved to Gw2. Questions.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: trixantea.1230


While valkyrie increases your base surviveability, it relies on being buffed by other party members to get max dps, it will also force you to use Decimate Defenses and use a build specifically to stack vulnerability.

Personnaly I recommand you to go full berserker to get better dps outside of shroud. You can swap between spite/bm/reaper or spite/sr/reaper depending on how much buffs you can geat from your party or perhaps you might want to craft viper gear and try condi builds which are considered the best for raids and high level fractals.

(edited by trixantea.1230)