Recovering clicker, still need work...

Recovering clicker, still need work...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: boredinbc.2786


Like the title says, I’m a recovering clicker. I’d say I’m 70/30 split, keys to clicks, maybe better. In some ways I’m a better player, but sometimes it feels worse, while I am no longer as static on the battlefield, I feel like I am more disorganized and often have trouble coordinating my key strokes while moving properly. Ive used WASD and EFSD, with EFSD being a small improvement, and obviously moving my 6-0 keys to more natural positions. I’ve played around with a freinds Naga but didn’t like the lack of differentiation on the keys, as well as being unable to use my thumb along the left side of the mouse for stability. I’ve a firm grip.

I bought a Steelseries Merc Stealth today, based on some good reviews. I’ve only been using it for a few hours, but honestly I’m a hot mess! Now instead of being torn between EFSD and clicking Ive added a third variable into the mix. Lol. I also did not even consider how much I’d miss the tactile feedback of cherry reds.

Any tips from anyone on a good setup/layout, or just tips in general on beating the habit for good? I’m sure that I’ll adapt and get better at using the built in pad, I’m just jealous when I read about people adapting to it after a few hours or days, when I couldn’t even fully break the clicking habit after months of playing.

Shamefully yours,


Recovering clicker, still need work...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


What did I just read.

Recovering clicker, still need work...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Esplen.3940


Create a new character.

Level new character to level 80 using new keybinds in PvE only (no dungeons, no crafting, no WvW, no Living Story… okay maybe a little Living Story).

Change what does and does not work only every 10 levels.

Recovering clicker, still need work...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nime.2089


Create a new character.

Level new character to level 80 using new keybinds in PvE only (no dungeons, no crafting, no WvW, no Living Story… okay maybe a little Living Story).

Change what does and does not work only every 10 levels.

I did the same with my G700. I think the easiest way to adjust your control settings is with learning a complete new class. Once I have been at lvl 50 or so I didn’t even notice no more what I’ve been doing…

Recovering clicker, still need work...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Aisina.4963


I’m a serial clicker, always have been. Every new MMO I try with keybinds, and fail. Now I’m on a 20/80 split, with 80 being clicking. However I’ve been playing this way for so many years, it’s not a hindrance anymore. I click so quickly when my boyfriend watches he thinks I’ve hit keybinds!

I think it’s down to how you feel comfortable. If you’ve found a mix for you that works, don’t feel pressurised into playing 100% binds.

S/F Asuran Elementalist

Recovering clicker, still need work...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Contiguous.1345


Firm grip?

Sounds like you have a hold on that thing that couldn’t be broken with a sledgehammer.

When I use my Naga, my two fingers rest on the left/right buttons. My wrist lays on the table top and my thumb, pinky barely touch the thing for sideways movement. Often they release altogether and I nudge the mouse sideways with gentle pressure from my palm. It’s not as if the mouse is glued to the table.
(I used to work with a guy who went through computer keyboards about one a month. He would stab the keys with rigid fingers as if he were trying to knock in a nail until the key covers flew off. )

The Naga thumb keypad is a godsend. I just have strafe/run/strafe and weapon swap bound to it but that leaves my left hand completely free for skill-binds.
It means I never have to move either hand, never have to look at the keyboard, never have to look at anything except my target.

Seriously – If you don’t already, try supporting your right wrist so that the mouse doesn’t take the weight of your hand. You should find it glides around like a feather.