Regarding guilds and non-representing members

Regarding guilds and non-representing members

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: thewaterguy.4796


Im not sure if this belongs in a different section of the forums but I was wondering as leader of a small guild
Do non-representing guild members earn any influence? I know not from events but what about attendance checks?
If they don’t should I not allow people to stay in the guild if they aren’t representing?
Id prefer to not kick ppl for not representing but I need second opinions on this

Regarding guilds and non-representing members

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zenyatoo.4059


They do not earn influence for events, dungeons, or pvp matches.

Im not sure about the attendance check.

Also kicking someone for not representing is something you should do on a case by case basis. Why did the person join your guild? I know I have a guild that I specifically run dungeons with. I will only represent them when im doing dungeons with them. Same thing for my WvWvW guild.

If your guild was billed as a “do everything” kind of guild, maybe inquire into why they are representing. Are they actually doing things with other guildies or not? If they’re simply playing solo all the time, ask why they remain in the guild. Some people join lots of guilds simply to use them as an LFG tool.

Also you lose nothing but a single guild slot by having a member who only represents to ask for help/GLF/ETC. And guild slots are cheap. Unless your guild is literally maxing out on members its really not a big deal.

Regarding guilds and non-representing members

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

A not representing member don not get influence for your guild.
Should you or should you not allow them in??
First question you should ask yourself is if it is a problem. You have initially room for 50 members and for 20 silver this can be expanded to 200 members (also furthermore, but that cost gold coins and is for really big guilds). So based on the cost of a 200 members guild, each member cost you 10 copper (representing or not).

Also keep in mind people can choose to represent/character. So it might be they are currently not playing very activly on the character they had planned to represent you.

Also I would advise to talk to not representing members and find out why. Just sent them an email where you explain that your the leader of -insert name- and you noticed they are currently not representing. Tell them that it is not a must but you would like to inform for the reasons. Also explain how to represent in the future.

Last off all, who do you think would be more likely be a future active member that represents? One that is currently in the guild just not representing (yet)? or one who is kicked by you?

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

(edited by mercury ranique.2170)

Regarding guilds and non-representing members

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Esya.3427


As a leader of a small guild you ideally want them to represent your guild. It is very hard to build up a guild when there are not enough at a time representing the guild. Guild chat is less active and less groups can be formed for activities. Also it can reflect in a negative way for people who do represent all the time, but can’t find enough players to play with due to others not representing. They might start looking for another guild as well. Also you miss out on a lot of influence with which you want to buy perks for them. Why have them in your guild but do not represent you while they will use the perks?

All this not representing is fun and sure has it uses for specific guilds like dungeon running guilds while you are in a guild that does none and allows you to represent others as well. But decide for yourself what you want your guild to be like and how you want to deal with this and then follow up on that. Tell people what you expect from them. If you decide they have to represent you all the time, go ask why they are not representing. If they do not want to represent you while you decide that is a rule for your guild, then follow up on that rule. If you decide that they get a separate rank without access to guildbank for example, then you can implement this. But do decide and follow up on your decisions.

The above poster sais it does not have much of an impact, but in my opinion it does have a huge impact. Seeing a roster with a lot of members not representing does impact the perspective of other players. And because of that you have to end up running a large guild while you want to run a small guild? I run a small guild and I don’t agree with that. If I have to expand the roster in order to not having to kick a non-representing player, that is not what benefits our guild. That player wants a different experience from ours and I would advice them to move on to a guild that offers that experience.

Different guilds, different players, take your time to find a good match.

Regarding guilds and non-representing members

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

What I am basicly saying to the OP is that he should find out why people aren’t representing. You are right having too many no representing members looks uninviting to new members but if you know why you can decide your actions.

The most important thing a leader should do is communicate with members. the kick button is imo only for those who did something wrong. a non-represening member is still a members, so tread him with the respect each member deserves. You might be the guildleader, but a good guildleader is in service off his/her members, and not the other way around. Knowing what they wont and communicating with them is a good start to do that, not kicking them out.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Regarding guilds and non-representing members

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Esya.3427


In that case we agree more than I expected mercury. Thanks for expanding on that. You should indeed not simply kick when you see someone not representing. They simply could have forgotten to click the button (so far that has been the main reason for our guild members when creating a new character).

Regarding guilds and non-representing members

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Safari.3021


Personally, I wouldn’t kick unless you are struggling for room in your guild, you never know when they might come back!

Regarding guilds and non-representing members

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Bluestone.7106


This game allows multiple guilds and more guilds should embrace that feature. Guilds should take on a specific goal and let their members represent when engaging in that activity with the guild. (ie represent a PvE guild when running dungeons with them, represent a WvW guild when running WvW with them). Assuming the player does actually represent them for a decent portion of his play time I think it should be embraced.

I think it is stupid for guilds to have an extremist view of representing.

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