Relationship of stability, stun & immobilize

Relationship of stability, stun & immobilize

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Grumpy.8365



I’m rather confused on these skills boon/conditions and their relationships.

Stability is supposed to prevent: knocked down, pushed back, launched, stunned, dazed, floated, sunk, or feared. (copied from wiki)

I noticed that immobilize is not in the list. But stun is.

But when you use skills that break stun like blink or shake it off, it removes immobilize. Also, the icon for break stun appear to be immobilize icon that’s broken.

And some people seem to sometimes block/resist my immobilize. This may partly be my imagination though.

So, my questions are:
1. How does “break stun” break “immobilize”?
2. If break stun is supposed to break immobilize, why doesn’t stability prevent immobilize?
3. Why is it called break stun when it breaks immobilize too? And frankly, don’t know if it actually breaks stun.
4. How does one block/resist immobilize? (other than shield)


(edited by Grumpy.8365)

Relationship of stability, stun & immobilize

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: MarkusParkus.8467


I’m pretty sure ‘Break Stun’ doesn’t break immobilize – Mesmer ‘Blink’ is a break stun and when immobilized it just teleports you to target location but still immobilized.

From memory, ‘Shake it off’ removes conditions and breaks stun.
Totally unsure how to block immobilize apart from shield skills/mass guardian aegis.

Furious Scumbag, Raging Scumbag & Geologist Greywind
[NOX] & [Coma] – Gunnar’s Hold.

Relationship of stability, stun & immobilize

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Yramrag.3026


I know for a fact that “Stun” and “Immobilize” is different: Stun basically disable the target totally (can’t move, can’t use skills except the ones that can break stun), while Immobilize just root the target, preventing them from moving/dodging/leaping. Target can still use skills if within range.

Relationship of stability, stun & immobilize

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


With stabilitiy you get protection to any disable skill.
knock down, knock back, launch, stun, daze, sunk and fear are all disable skills that will prevent you from controlling your own char, the only way to gain back control – beside waiting for its duration to pass – is to use a break stun skill.

Immobilize on the other hand is a condition that doesnt prevent your char from using skills, the only thing it does is literally immobilize you – you cannot move but still perform all of your skills.

Immobilize is not a Control Effect, its a condition and can be removed with a condition removal.

Just as an example: You are an elementalist that is Dazed and Immobilized.
Your are inable of performing skills other than break stuns like cantrips (armor of earth, lightning flash, cleansing flame, mist form)

When you use Armor of Earth, Lightning Flash or Mist Form, you will be able to perform skills again but not move because none of this skills is removing conditions.
On the other hand, using Cleansing Flame will remove both – the daze effect and the immobilze (supposed these are the only debuffs you have on you at that moment)

For Mesmer: Blink, Decoy and Mirror Images are stunbreakers just like the Cantrips of Elementalists, but they do not remove conditions, if you’re caught in that trap, use a nullfield on your location or a phantasm that removes conditions

Relationship of stability, stun & immobilize

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Grumpy.8365


Okay, so I think I was just crazy. ^^;