Relaxed class for returning player

Relaxed class for returning player

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ScoHook.6198


I have been away for quite some time but the mega server and the chance of more populated low lever areas are making me think about playing again.

The reason why I never got back into the game was that I hopped to much between classes and progressed with none after my warrior hit 80.

I have every other class at 20 by now, thanks to the birthday scrolls.

Which new class should I pick to play. I am mainly looking for something not to complicated and relaxing to play.

I play mostly PvE and don’t care much about endgame content or maxing things out.

Any suggestions would be highly appreciated.

Thx and Cheers.

Relaxed class for returning player

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lil Puppy.5216

Lil Puppy.5216

Necromancer is pretty much the most laid back class ever, you can go Minion Master and just sit there and watch!

Relaxed class for returning player

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: iNitrogen.2716


Once I saw a necro with about 8 minions summoned I really wanted to roll an alt.

Relaxed class for returning player

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lazuli.2098


Besides warrior I find ranger, guardian and necromancer (minion master) comfortable to play in casual PvE.