Removing nag text
Short answer: no.
Long answer: It’s occasionally possible to clear it, but not permanently and it’s not really something you can choose. Each part of that list is a separate item with it’s own conditions on when it appears.
Personal story/Living story (green text) – Can’t actually be turned off but it will disappear if you are too low level for the next part of the personal story or if you’ve completed it and don’t have an active living story section.
Daily/monthly achievements – If you complete the meta achievements for both the daily and the monthly it will disappear from the list. You can also reduce it down to just 1 item by adding an achievement (any) to your watch list.
Hearts, events etc. – Appear automatically as long as you’re in the area. Disappear if you leave the area, complete the heart or the event ends.
Event announcements – Like the PvP tournament spam. Shows up for everyone as long as the event is running.
So if you completed your personal story and didn’t activate a living story chapter, completed the daily and monthly meta achievement, were in an area where no events or hearts were occurring and there are no special events currently running that list would be completely empty.
But if any one of those things changes it will reappear.
This is something I’d really like to see made customisable. IMO a good compromise would be to have a tab on the Hero menu where everything that could be in this list appears, then an option like the current achievement watchlist to add items from there to the UI list.
Obviously new items would show by default so you don’t miss out on events by not checking, but once they’re hidden they stay hidden until they start up again or you choose to show them.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Thanks for the info, guess I saw wrong.
Options > General Options (first tab) > Content Guide (5th drop box)
- You can eliminate personal/living story and events.
- You can’t eliminate the holiday stuff, or the daily.
This only turns off the arrow. Your personal story and events still appear in the list.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
CTRL – SHIFT – H clears all annoying elements from the UI
Options > General Options (first tab) > Content Guide (5th drop box)
- You can eliminate personal/living story and events.
- You can’t eliminate the holiday stuff, or the daily.This only turns off the arrow. Your personal story and events still appear in the list.
yep this
CTRL – SHIFT – H clears all annoying elements from the UI
I still want to see chat and map
CTRL – SHIFT – H clears all annoying elements from the UI
What do we consider “annoying elements”? Will it clear the 1-10 skills and health Globe as well?