Even when Im getting good fps in WvW every fight seems to be a ghost fight…You never really get to see the players. I have a great computer. I get to see all the animations but never really the players by the time they render they render as corpses. Alot of people seem to be complaining about the constant ghost fighting. Any help would be great as I want to see who Im killing at some point.
As I mess with it more even walking around LA with 70 FPS NPCS and people Dont even render till I pass them? What the heck is this Lol i just dont understand. Someone explain this to me.
I have a i7 2600 amd 5700 16g ram.
Fps is 60-70 in LA
goes up to 120 pve soloing
20-30 in wvw.
is there any solution/work around to this? i play at the lowest possible settings.