Representing a guild

Representing a guild

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Blokje.3914


I have a question, I made my own guild and we have 30 members but only 10/15 are really representing my guild.

So the question is what’s the meaning of representing and what if people are not representing what does the mean for the guild?

And is it a good idea to add the option that everybody who entered a guild for the first time that they automatically represent the first guild and if they join a second one then they can choose to represent that guild?


Representing a guild

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Apollo.2610


When they represent you and them both receive the benefits of being in the guild, they get access to what ever you allow there rank to access and the guild chat, and you get there influence points as they lv up, if there not representing then its a waste for everyone. (influence points are used to buy upgrades for the guild)

And i would support the automatic option to represent the fisrt guild you join, sometimes you forget or just don’t know.

Representing a guild

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Blokje.3914


When they represent you and them both receive the benefits of being in the guild, they get access to what ever you allow there rank to access and the guild chat, and you get there influence points as they lv up, if there not representing then its a waste for everyone. (influence points are used to buy upgrades for the guild)

And i would support the automatic option to represent the fisrt guild you join, sometimes you forget or just don’t know.

So the people in my guild who doesn’t represent they doesn’t mean anything to my guild?

Yes that is the problem the most people don’t know it and then they don’t represent. My way to get represents are just by asking but not all the members will or can reply. And if the people who doesn’t represent the guild not give influence and don’t see the guild chat and stuff it’s pointless to have them in the guild right?

Representing a guild

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Bel Geode.8129

Bel Geode.8129

I have one person in my guild who does not represent our guild, because she is in a wvw pvp guild also, and is constantly in the wvw maps. I am not about to kick her out however because she is a good friend. My task as guild leader is to get the other guildmates comfortable with the game (I have a lot of ex Star Wars Galaxies players trying to adjust to this game). It is my plan when we all get decent level and skill proficiency to hop into wvw more often, at which point I am sure my friend will start repping us.

I admit it can seem a little frustrating to have one person not “playing with the team”, but I cannot really blame her. She is doing what she loves in game, and it is making her happy.

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Representing a guild

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Blokje.3914


I have one person in my guild who does not represent our guild, because she is in a wvw pvp guild also, and is constantly in the wvw maps. I am not about to kick her out however because she is a good friend. My task as guild leader is to get the other guildmates comfortable with the game (I have a lot of ex Star Wars Galaxies players trying to adjust to this game). It is my plan when we all get decent level and skill proficiency to hop into wvw more often, at which point I am sure my friend will start repping us.

I admit it can seem a little frustrating to have one person not “playing with the team”, but I cannot really blame her. She is doing what she loves in game, and it is making her happy.

That’s true but i don’t kick them from the guild I just was wondering what it meant! But if someone already has a guild or something then it’s okay but what makes no sense at all is that people with no other guild aren’t representing as well.

I think the option is nice to have but it can be optimized by the fact that it is your first guild that you automatically represent that guild.

Representing a guild

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ickytwerp.9086


The multi guild thing isn’t a bad thing, its just if you want your guild members to represent then you are gonna have to lay down the rules. First kindly let them know only the character they join with will default to represent the guild, second set rules on representing, for instance if you want your members to represent all the time when they are on then say so. If you find people not representing sometimes you should obviously allow for a little slack because people can forget and kitten happens. It all depends on how you want things to work in your guild really.

My guild has no rules on representing really it just boils down to anyone with the untested rank who joins and does not contribute will never get a promotion and thus never have access to things such as the guild bank and the ability to use any features aside from guild chat. Having an initiate rank like this is a pretty good method to keep people from just leeching off your guild.

Representing a guild

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Bel Geode.8129

Bel Geode.8129

Icky has a point… since we have multiple characters, each CAN be set to rep a different guild. If it becomes that much of an issue then I would probably do the same thing- ask whomever coming in if they can dedicate a character to rep for us. Of course they do not have to play on said character at all really, which puts us back to square one.

Find Bel Geode- THE Purple Norn on twitch tv.
“Doing The Dailies " Weeknights at 8PM EST.

Representing a guild

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Esya.3427


Making your guildmembers aware of this feature helps a lot. I regularly check the roster and whisper those who forgot to click the represent button after creating a new character. But we also had a chat about it in guildchat how your proposed option would be much better. I think the majority will join one guild and forget about representing it afterwards when creating a new character. By simply bringing it to their attention it is also something they started to check themselves. I would love to see your option implemented or a pop-up when you create a new character if that character also wants to represent this guild. Most do want to represent the guild for the guildchat and the access to guildbank and the other perks, so don’t feel bad for asking them.

Representing a guild

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Blokje.3914


Yeah you guys are right. That’s what i’m doing now just ask them by mail or whisper them to represent and then I hope they will answer or refuse.

That idea of a pop up or something is also a good idea that’s what the guild explanation need i think.

So the people who don’t represent can’t get the benefits of my guild? And can they see the guild chat or not?

Representing a guild

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Esya.3427


No, they cannot read guildchat when they are not representing.

Representing a guild

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Blokje.3914


Okay thanks! And do you guys get a lot of influence? Because sometimes my guild get like 100 at once but the other day we get only 10-20-30.

Representing a guild

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Esya.3427


On gaining influence there is nice information on the wiki. The link:

Representing a guild

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Blokje.3914


Ow thanks really

Representing a guild

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ZannX.4058


The current guild system is somewhat lacking in terms of multiple guilds.

If someone were to tell me that you could be in more than one guild in GW2, I wouldn’t take it to mean “Really only one guild, but you could kinda sorta be in others.”

Anet shouldn’t have gone half way with this system. Two things need to change about guilds:

1) Influence and benefits shouldn’t be server specific. I get the idea of having different branches of your guild on different servers, but even then I think those guilds would rather it be a large pool.

2) You should still have access to Gchat for guilds you aren’t representing. This is the essential social medium for joining a guild. Right now it’s just a list of people with no interaction as a group unless you’re representing.

Representing a guild

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Bezerker.2379


When they represent you and them both receive the benefits of being in the guild, they get access to what ever you allow there rank to access and the guild chat, and you get there influence points as they lv up, if there not representing then its a waste for everyone. (influence points are used to buy upgrades for the guild)

And i would support the automatic option to represent the fisrt guild you join, sometimes you forget or just don’t know.

So the people in my guild who doesn’t represent they doesn’t mean anything to my guild?

Yes that is the problem the most people don’t know it and then they don’t represent. My way to get represents are just by asking but not all the members will or can reply. And if the people who doesn’t represent the guild not give influence and don’t see the guild chat and stuff it’s pointless to have them in the guild right?

This is because you can be in multiple guilds at once. So you have to be able to toggle on the fly.

Representing a guild

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Blokje.3914


The current guild system is somewhat lacking in terms of multiple guilds.

If someone were to tell me that you could be in more than one guild in GW2, I wouldn’t take it to mean “Really only one guild, but you could kinda sorta be in others.”

Anet shouldn’t have gone half way with this system. Two things need to change about guilds:

1) Influence and benefits shouldn’t be server specific. I get the idea of having different branches of your guild on different servers, but even then I think those guilds would rather it be a large pool.

2) You should still have access to Gchat for guilds you aren’t representing. This is the essential social medium for joining a guild. Right now it’s just a list of people with no interaction as a group unless you’re representing.

Point 2 that’s exactly what I was thinking! The part of more guilds is to be social but if you don’t represent the guild you don’t have any part of the social aspect. That’s where my suggestion came in. If you are joining your first guild you are automatically represented so that you have the social part and the guild can have the profit of getting influences.

Representing a guild

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Blokje.3914


When they represent you and them both receive the benefits of being in the guild, they get access to what ever you allow there rank to access and the guild chat, and you get there influence points as they lv up, if there not representing then its a waste for everyone. (influence points are used to buy upgrades for the guild)

And i would support the automatic option to represent the fisrt guild you join, sometimes you forget or just don’t know.

So the people in my guild who doesn’t represent they doesn’t mean anything to my guild?

Yes that is the problem the most people don’t know it and then they don’t represent. My way to get represents are just by asking but not all the members will or can reply. And if the people who doesn’t represent the guild not give influence and don’t see the guild chat and stuff it’s pointless to have them in the guild right?

This is because you can be in multiple guilds at once. So you have to be able to toggle on the fly.

Yes i know but if you only have one guild isn’t it better to automatically represent that guild you joined? And if you have more guilds you can use the represent and the stand down buttons for switching between the guilds.

(edited by Blokje.3914)

Representing a guild

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Shael.4703


1) Influence and benefits shouldn’t be server specific. I get the idea of having different branches of your guild on different servers, but even then I think those guilds would rather it be a large pool.

I don’t think you get the idea at all why non-guild_social features are server-bound. The major reason why it is the case is because of WvW. Since WvW is based on the account’s “home server”, then the guild benefits that they carry in WvW should be coming only from their guild instance/version from their account’s “home server”.

Those members who have a different home server for their accounts should not get the same benefit.

However, as we have pointed out, they could just have flagged those “upgrades” that has to do with WvW to be server-bound, not affecting guild upgrades like Emblem, Storage, and what not.

2) You should still have access to Gchat for guilds you aren’t representing. This is the essential social medium for joining a guild. Right now it’s just a list of people with no interaction as a group unless you’re representing.

I don’t know if you are really serious. I don’t know if you have imagined how it would be like getting your screen filled-up by guild-chatters from 2 or more guilds at the same time.

They can add a feature wherein you can choose which ones to participate to and which ones to turn-off though.

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