Returning Player Question

Returning Player Question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SatanMayCry.1964


I recently came back to Guild Wars 2 and I bought heart of thorns I am a heavy pve player (dungeons, fractals, and hopefully raids soon) and was wondering what new class to make either necromancer or the revenant. What is the meta team composition nowadays as I do not want to make a class that I won’t use in pve, thanks for the help

Returning Player Question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: rwolf.9571


Necro with Great-sword game play is kinda slow. Although Reaper form is fun/bursty game play.

Revenant is kind of a Jack of all trades class. It can be set up for burst, healing support, or boon support. I personally play revenant more than necro. Since I can give perma 12 stacks of might + Fury.

Meta is still pretty much Beserker Stats or the new Vipers for general PVE and Dungeons.