Returning Player needs Advice

Returning Player needs Advice

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: djKyno.5908


Hi guys, Im a returning player after stopping for 3 years and i have not gotten the HoT Expansion. Might be getting them later after i saved up enough.

But for now, is there any advice you guys can give me on what to do with the vanilla version ?

Had 2 lvl 80 char~ Thief and Mesmer

Returning Player needs Advice

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: iczek.9628


… what to do with the vanilla version ?

That is a vague question, but there is much to do with vanilla,

> Fractals
>> Work your way up to 100
> Dungeons
>> Complete all paths
> Spvp
> WvW
> 100% world map completion
> Level up other professions
> Max crafting disciplines
> Complete all the jumping puzzles
> Activities in LA
> Join different guilds
>> WvW guilds
>> PVE guilds
>> Social guilds
> Experiment with builds

Just handful off the top of my head.

Returning Player needs Advice

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Pretty Pixie.8603

Pretty Pixie.8603

Let’s see, stuff not covered by Iczek:

- Complete achievements;
- Pick a collection and complete it;
- Get as many dyes as you can;
- Win at Fashion Wars and fill your wardrobe;
- Try different Orders/Story arch in the Personal story;
- craft a legendary;
- Acquire a full ascended set;
- fill up your remaining character slots;
- Become insanely rich by playing the market;
- do your daily node farms;
- Feel lucky and gamble your fortune away with the Mystic Forge or Ecto Gambling;
- Max your Core Masteries.

Really, still plenty to do.

Relentless Inquisition [PAIN] – FA

Returning Player needs Advice

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: EriskRedLemur.7153


Idk what you did at 80 – now, levelling you don’t need HoT; nor at 80. Elite class sure; but finish story? Maguuma Wastes? A ton listed above. Yeah, HoT opens almost a whole other game in ways; but tbh – I have HoT and other than unlocking masteries/gliding/elite – have barely got into HoT zones until I got my ranger to 80. Just too much to do vanilla; story, explore, other classes, WvW, dungeons, craft, raids, etc.

Now; caveat is I have HoT; so some QOL things don’t get in way :P It’s a choice to focus still on vanilla stuff than full on HoT but I also am still fairly new to GW2 like 6 months.

King Slacker, GM LXS (NA) League of Xtraordinary Slackers