Returning player looking for class help ...
Guardian, propably in all maners speaking, is simillar to Warrior. Cool Two handed weapons, simple rotations, good utillity, high damage, high survivability. Not much else to add. You will have to discover for your self.
Also, if not Guardian then go core Ranger. High damage, average health pool. Doesn’t really matter if you go Druid if what you want is similarity to Warrior. Cause you can go Greatsword and Longbow with damage oriented stats. You will have less health but better advantages, pet tanking everything (in PvE). But a core Ranger might feel a bit booring compared to Warrior as it has very simple rotations. If that happens then go Druid. Druid (comes down to what you decide to build) is mostly less damage, more health, much more support, more fun.
Or Power GS Reaper. I’d recomend that only for PvE though. High health pool, high damage. Can get quite hard to play and/ or stay alive though.
Don’t read too heavily into the forums any time theres a balance patch…… legitimate concerns tend to get drowned out by people who are mad that they’re cheese methods don’t work anymore; making it really difficult to hold an intelligent discussion about game meta. Within 3 weeks, the new meta will start to shape up as people start prepping for PoF based on whats observed in the beta weekend; and all the raging about this balance pass will be overtaken by arguments about how OP/UP the elite specs are going to be.
As for learning a new class… I would highly recommend taking on something with a more difficult setup, but is not critical in group comp for Raids. (Assuming this discussion is about you eventually joining raids)
And in terms of viability…. unless Anet just outright nerfs Phalanx, Warriors will continue to be meta for its easy group might stacking.
Warrior is still a very viable class. In all pve game modes its a fun and engaging class. If you like it you dont have to look further, play it and have fun.