Rezzing etiquette question

Rezzing etiquette question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Axz.8430


I’m fairly new to the game and was running around exploring when I found a dead person next to a group of mobs. I killed the mobs and started to rez the person, when they said “lol why wait until i’m dead to rez?!”

Is that comment as nonsensical as it first appears, or is there some rezzing etiquette in this game to be aware of? Does anyone know what it means?

I was too busy trying to stay alive (lots of enemies all around) to be able to answer and the person immediately ran off so I didn’t get the chance after. If it’s relevant the person was shown as a blue shield on the map (actually I thought it was a quest marker, and wasn’t expecting it to be a player, but that’s a separate issue lol)

Rezzing etiquette question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lilith Ajit.6173

Lilith Ajit.6173

I think it was perfectly reasonable to kill first, but the person likely wanted to help kill. However, if you got to the place while they were downed, that’s a different story.

Meaning, if he was downed and you got him up, that would have made more sense than to let him full die. But if he was full dead, it makes sense to wait.

And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.

Rezzing etiquette question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


He was probably downed (not dead) when you arrived, in which case it would have taken mere seconds to res, rather than the time to fully revive. Even with enemies surrounding you, you can usually spare two seconds to get someone up.

Although, if he was downed, he could have just attacked the things you were killing and got himself up. Hard to tell without being there. But, in general, you want to try to ressomeone before they’re dead as long as you feel you’re in a safe enough position. to do so.

Rezzing etiquette question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Axz.8430


Ahhh, okay. I thought it always took a long time to rez someone. I didn’t realize it only took a few seconds if you did it early enough. That makes sense of it – thank you!

Rezzing etiquette question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: nagr.1593


If I see someone downed next to mobs, I would still clear the mobs first. Reason is if they have half a brain, they will be targeting one of them to rally off. If they end up dying instead, its not my fault. At least you revived him after he died, and he is a kittener for not thanking you for it. If there was an uncontested WP close by, I wouldnt have even bothered. My policy on rezzing is: do it if you feel like it, otherwise don’t. For instance a lotta baddies dying quite frequently in CoE cause they dont have the timing down.. I’ll ignore them and DPS the boss down. otherwise i’d spend the entire fight rezzing kittens who keep getting downed 24/7

Arun Kar

(edited by nagr.1593)

Rezzing etiquette question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Axz.8430


That’s an interesting point, as I killed 4-5 mobs standing right next to the body and the person presumably could have rallied off of any of those if they wanted to.

Rezzing etiquette question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Brother Grimm.5176

Brother Grimm.5176

Politeness aside, the question is, “Do these mobs do significant damage to me or can I ignore their attacks long enough to get this player on their feet?”

If that answer is yes….kill first, rez later. Best thing to do is ALMOST kill a few (switch targets before you kill them) and if the downed guy isn’t an idiot, he should be trying to Rally from the ALMOST dead’s you left them.

The normal response for a rez is TY.

We go out in the world and take our chances
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances

Rezzing etiquette question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Danikat.8537


You can tell if a player is downed instead of dead in a couple of ways. Firstly the downed icon is a kind of blue V shape, which changes to a circular skull and cross-bones icon when the player dies. Secondly a downed player will be sitting up on the ground and moving slightly.

If you see that and can revive them (either by healing them or killing an enemy they’ve tagged) before they die then it’s much quicker, a few seconds even if you heal them from almost dead, and they don’t get damaged/broken armor.

If it’s not possible then reviving them when they’re dead is better than nothing, and they definitely shouldn’t have complained at you for it, but not dying is preferable.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Rezzing etiquette question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Charismatic Harm.9683

Charismatic Harm.9683

Rez the downed.

Leave the dead to rot.

If you decide to rez a dead player after you’ve killed the surrounding mobs and they aren’t appreciative, stop rezzing them and move on. Leave them mid-rez.

If you’re in a large group event, NEVER rez the dead. Several players can rez a downed player in a couple of seconds. It takes several players about 20 seconds to rez a dead player. Dead players need to learn to use the nearest uncontested WP instead of pulling other players out of the fight.

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(edited by Charismatic Harm.9683)

Rezzing etiquette question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Danikat.8537


Rez the downed.

Leave the dead to rot.

If you decide to rez a dead player after you’ve killed the surrounding mobs and they aren’t appreciative, stop rezzing them and move on. Leave them mid-rez.

If you’re in a large group event, NEVER rez the dead. Several players can rez a downed player in a couple of seconds. It takes several players about 20 seconds to rez a dead player. Dead players need to learn to use the nearest uncontested WP instead of pulling other players out of the fight.

I’d say it really depends on what you’re doing. If you’re in WvW or a difficult/time sensitive PvE event (especially something like the candy corn monster or Tequatl where there are going to be a lot of dead players at once) then I’d agree. But if it’s a normal dynamic event and you don’t mind taking the time to rez them then there’s no problem doing it. Or if they waited until after the fight.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Rezzing etiquette question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Oenanthe.6549


My normal response is to rez someone who is down but still fighting if possible and then deal with the mobs together or if the person is dead then deal with the mobs and then rez them, either way I like to receive a quick ‘ty’, but don’t mind if I don’t get it, the response the OP received is not what I would expect and that person would probably end up on my ignore list, (not that this would stop me rezzing them in the future).

One thing that I don’t think has been mentioned, if you rez someone while they are down then they don’t receive any penalty, if you rez them when dead or if they revive at a WP then their armor takes damage, repair costs aren’t high but as I found out when I had to go AFK suddenly leaving my character alone in the field, they can add up. I was away only for 5 minutes or so, and when I came back I was pleased to see she was still alive, then I looked at the armor, three pieces destroyed and two damaged. Kind people had been rezzing me only for the mobs to respawn and kill me again.

Rezzing etiquette question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

That was kind of a snarky comment. You aren’t required to rez anyone, downed or dead. I generally try to rez but if there are too many enemies nearby and it’s likely to get me killed, then they have to wait.

If someone said that to me while I was rezzing them, I would have said “oops, my bad” stopped rezzing and run off.

Rezzing etiquette question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: locoman.1974


Sometimes it depends on the situation. If the person is dead dead, I’ll usually kill the enemies before ressing, if it’s downed, sometimes I’ll try to kill at least one enemy quickly so they can rally, or res them first. Also depends on which char I’m playing at the moment (my guardian can take a beating while ressing someone, for example, but if I try the same on my mesmer, at least without using clones as a distraction, there would be 2 dead people instead)

Usually in my guardian I rush in to res first, BTW, but mostly because it feels really cool to see a mob attacking a downed character, run with the hammer and banish (wacks the mob flying backwards), create a ring of warding and res while the mob is stuck outside…

It’s a pile of Elonian protection magic, mixed with a little monk training,
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.

Rezzing etiquette question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Curse Drew.8679

Curse Drew.8679

I usually only rez downed players. Waypoints are everywhere, and i dont like to waist my time to rez dead players to save them 2 silver. I will in WvW because those WPs are far away usually, sometimes i will if it’s on daily aswell.

Don’t get me wrong i’m a great rezzer. I’m usually the 1st to notice a downed player and get them back up. But if i’m doing the fire elemental, and there are 5 dead players just laying there, screw them. They can run back as fast as i can res them. There is no need to risk yourself for a dead player.

If you die completely, don’t wait around expecting a res if everyone is swarmed with mobs. Just use the waypoint.

Rezzing etiquette question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


I always kill first, rez after. The person would not have been downed/dead if they could have handled the mob without my intervention. If downed they can therefore rally, if dead-and-desperate, they can waypoint and come back. If still dead after the mob has been dealt with, I will rez without expecting a “ty.” The little bit of XP I get is good enough.

If they want to be an kitten about it, and I’m in a good enough mood I might explain above strategy to them.

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Rezzing etiquette question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Contiguous.1345


It’s a complicated decision, especially in WvW – I would never say always do this never do that.

You have to weigh a number of factors, most important of which is your own safety. There’s nothing more embarrassing than ending up dead next to the person you were trying to rez. Except occasionally that person might be immensely valuable to the situation and it’s worth a try.

But I think by now, you got the picture

Rezzing etiquette question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: The Sixteenth.2561

The Sixteenth.2561

In WvW also consider the number of downed ennemies to see if the death of the downed ally is worth risking your life to avoid getting back up ennemies.
The usual rez etiquette in PvE is :
-if downed with low rez bar, rez at least to a third of the bar then :

  • your own safety is at risk, bail out
  • one of the mob have low enough hp so you can kill it faster than the mobs kills him, kill
  • or else you rez

-if downed with nearly full rez bar :

  • your safety is at risk, run for your life
  • one of the mob have low enough hp so you can kill it faster than the time taken to rez him, you kill
  • or else you rez

-if in the rezzing process you see your rez is not effective enought to outheal the damage takken fast enough, abord mission and start fighting/running.

-if you have a distance instant rez and you are not in fight yet, equip it and use it.

(edited by The Sixteenth.2561)

Rezzing etiquette question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Adventurous Cookie.1658

Adventurous Cookie.1658

Ahhh, okay. I thought it always took a long time to rez someone. I didn’t realize it only took a few seconds if you did it early enough. That makes sense of it – thank you!


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