Risen Spider Lord

Risen Spider Lord

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ColdCarnage.8273


Hello, I am currently on the personal story quest Stealing Light and I am up to the Risen Spider Lord. I can’t seem to kill him , when i’m up to him the NPCs die and he kills me pretty fast. What is an easy way to kill him

Risen Spider Lord

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Falunel.7645


Strafe a lot, bring condition removers/stun breakers, and try to dodge the pull he does. Otherwise, group up. If you can’t find anyone and are on a NA server, I can help you out.

Falunel – Sylvari Elementalist | Falche Graysong – Human Mesmer | Tarnished Coast
Ember Solace [SOL] – A guild welcoming of newbies and those at the margins.
New Player Outreach Thread

Risen Spider Lord

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: khris.6893


When I did it on my warrior, it was a major pain in the end region.
I was damaging him, but the locusts were just owning me in seconds. For some reason, the hologram was respawning as soon as it died, keeping the boss in combat, and therefore he was not regenerating his life back.
I have resurrected close to 40 times in the entire quest, @ 20 to kill the boss.
My advice? Keep trying as there is nothing you can do unless you are a ranger with a bear.

Risen Spider Lord

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Falunel.7645


I have resurrected close to 40 times in the entire quest, @ 20 to kill the boss.
My advice? Keep trying as there is nothing you can do unless you are a ranger with a bear.

…challenge accepted. Time to work on my story.

Also, in the meantime, I’ll mention that I know a guardian and a necro who completed the mission solo with no issues. And in case you say it’s because they weren’t warriors, let me leave you this little morsel: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKy67S6uvNU

In many, many cases, it’s not the game that has issues. It’s the player.

Falunel – Sylvari Elementalist | Falche Graysong – Human Mesmer | Tarnished Coast
Ember Solace [SOL] – A guild welcoming of newbies and those at the margins.
New Player Outreach Thread

(edited by Falunel.7645)

Risen Spider Lord

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Stormchoir.3276


What does your YouTube video have to do with this topic? He is talking about the Spider Lord which is a level 78 personal story while you linked a video of a level 80 warrior which looks like he is in a hell of a lot better gear doing a level 80 dungeon.

“Always tell the truth, even if it leads to your death.”

Risen Spider Lord

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Falunel.7645


What does your YouTube video have to do with this topic? He is talking about the Spider Lord which is a level 78 personal story while you linked a video of a level 80 warrior which looks like he is in a hell of a lot better gear doing a level 80 dungeon.

“Every man mistakes the limits of his vision for the limits of the world.” – Arthur Schoppenhauer

Gear helps, but it doesn’t make the player, especially when soloing dungeons. There’s a reason you don’t see everyone soloing Arah P2. It’s why PUGs wipe persistently on Lupicus, and why people make money off selling spots in almost-completed Arah exp runs.

The point is that many things that seem impossible are in fact very possible- if a warrior can solo a dungeon that was not meant to be soloed, then it stands to reason a warrior can solo a boss -meant- to be doable solo, a boss that has already been soloed by a class considered weaker than warrior. Don’t give up, and especially don’t tell other people to give up.

Falunel – Sylvari Elementalist | Falche Graysong – Human Mesmer | Tarnished Coast
Ember Solace [SOL] – A guild welcoming of newbies and those at the margins.
New Player Outreach Thread

Risen Spider Lord

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Brother Grimm.5176

Brother Grimm.5176

I’m not sure why the Level of the mission would matter (sure hope anyone attempting this mission is 80), but I think his point is that bragging about your Dungeon runs by posting a video of it does not help the OP one bit….nor does your inspirational speech. How about some specific suggestions to beat the mentioned boss rather than obscure philosophy quotes and wordy “it could be you”, comments.

Wiki says you need to make sure you rush past the spider hatchlings and if Boss gets perma buffed, you need to start the mission over (no known way to get around that particular bug).

We go out in the world and take our chances
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances

(edited by Brother Grimm.5176)

Risen Spider Lord

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Falunel.7645


I’m not sure why the Level of the mission would matter (sure hope anyone attempting this mission is 80), but I think his point is that bragging about your Dungeon runs by posting a video of it does not help the OP one bit….nor does your inspirational speech. How about some specific suggestions to beat the mentioned boss rather than obscure philosophy quotes and wordy “it could be you”, comments.

I wish I could take credit for that video. But it’s not mine- it’s this guy’s.

I also did give the OP some specific advice (the second post in this thread) on the boss, as well as an offer to party with him and help directly if he was still having trouble. I’ve helped someone before with that boss, and I can say that he’s a tough one and there’s no shame in having trouble with him. There is absolutely nothing wrong with not knowing, but wanting to learn.

My protest was directed at the poster who told the OP that the mission was impossible unless it glitched or he rerolled a ranger. Perhaps I let my feelings get ahead of me and was harsher than warranted, but nothing annoys me more than someone saying that something is impossible for everyone simply because he personally couldn’t do it.

That aside, rereading my post, I feel I could be a bit more specific for the OP (or anyone having the same issues). From what I remember:

The first phase, where the Spider Lord is in his first form, shouldn’t be too much trouble if you kite a lot to avoid getting eaten by the little spiders. It’s his second form that’s troublesome- once he becomes a spider, he’ll start doing this nasty attack where he’ll pull you to him and immobilize you. You will either want to dodge this pull or bring a condition remover to escape the immobilize ASAP, because a second afterwards, he will do a heavy-hitting attack that also applies an unremovable damage-over-time, all while the little spiders catch up to you and eat you. This will usually be what gets you. I believe the spiders also apply poison, which can be an issue with regeneration builds.

You might have to change your traits and weapons (not necessarily your gear, though). Trait for better recovery, possibly Mobile Strikes to break out of immobilize if your condition removals are on cooldown. Longbow possibly could help thin the adds as well.

Falunel – Sylvari Elementalist | Falche Graysong – Human Mesmer | Tarnished Coast
Ember Solace [SOL] – A guild welcoming of newbies and those at the margins.
New Player Outreach Thread

Risen Spider Lord

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zenyatoo.4059


did this on a guardian over the weekend with no problems. Hammer auto attack, stand your ground, save yourselves, and retreat were all enough to keep the npcs alive too. I dont even remember the small spiders being an issue. They died in a single auto attack chain.

Risen Spider Lord

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Brother Grimm.5176

Brother Grimm.5176

did this on a guardian over the weekend with no problems. Hammer auto attack, stand your ground, save yourselves, and retreat were all enough to keep the npcs alive too. I dont even remember the small spiders being an issue. They died in a single auto attack chain.

Wiki didn’t indicate they were an issue other than delaying you getting to the BOSS. It implied there was some sort of Buffing Glitch if you took too long getting to him (triggering the cut-scene).

@ Falunel – That’s more like it….(your first suggestions were not very specific).

We go out in the world and take our chances
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances

Risen Spider Lord

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Bernie.8674


@Falunel You were awfully quick to disparage others for pointing out that something is seriously wrong with this boss. Just having killed him myself, I can attest to the fact that he is above and beyond any of the others in this game in difficulty.

The first phase, where the Spider Lord is in his first form, shouldn’t be too much trouble if you kite a lot to avoid getting eaten by the little spiders.

Maybe that was the case when you did it, but kiting the spiders was the least of my worries. The actual problem was his specialized Locust Swarm. Note that according to the skill description it’s supposed to go away after 10 seconds. He, on the other hand, had two of them up at all times, they stayed until they were killed, and killing those things was no walk in the park. Two of these heal him for 3% every hit pulse and continually own the NPCs to boot. The NPCs are glitched too so they are permanently resurrecting each other. For some reason only one would ever respawn with me, and half the time it wasn’t until I had just about finished the swim back.

Finally I decided to ignore my NPCs and that’s when I made headway. I used my bow to drop AoE fire and just kited him and the hatchlings through that while hoping for my NPCs to draw the locusts away. From time to time my NPCs would heal enough to start beating on him, and that’s when I would temporarily make progress. When the locusts caught up to me I died pretty quickly, but I used the ever re-spawning hatchlings to mitigate that. I constantly kept AoE fire on them so every time I went down there was at least one hatchling that was over half way to dying. Whenever I went down I found one like that and took it down ASAP to rally.

It’s his second form that’s troublesome- once he becomes a spider, he’ll start doing this nasty attack where he’ll pull you to him and immobilize you.

For me this is where the fight devolved into the typical story boss faceroll because he stopped spawning those locusts.

You will either want to dodge this pull or bring a condition remover to escape the immobilize ASAP

This is sage advice for almost any boss that immobilizes. You know that something nasty’s about to come when that happens.

Risen Spider Lord

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Carpboy.7145


@Falunel You were awfully quick to disparage others for pointing out that something is seriously wrong with this boss. Just having killed him myself, I can attest to the fact that he is above and beyond any of the others in this game in difficulty.

The first phase, where the Spider Lord is in his first form, shouldn’t be too much trouble if you kite a lot to avoid getting eaten by the little spiders.

Maybe that was the case when you did it, but kiting the spiders was the least of my worries. The actual problem was his specialized Locust Swarm. Note that according to the skill description it’s supposed to go away after 10 seconds. He, on the other hand, had two of them up at all times, they stayed until they were killed, and killing those things was no walk in the park. Two of these heal him for 3% every hit pulse and continually own the NPCs to boot. The NPCs are glitched too so they are permanently resurrecting each other. For some reason only one would ever respawn with me, and half the time it wasn’t until I had just about finished the swim back.

Finally I decided to ignore my NPCs and that’s when I made headway. I used my bow to drop AoE fire and just kited him and the hatchlings through that while hoping for my NPCs to draw the locusts away. From time to time my NPCs would heal enough to start beating on him, and that’s when I would temporarily make progress. When the locusts caught up to me I died pretty quickly, but I used the ever re-spawning hatchlings to mitigate that. I constantly kept AoE fire on them so every time I went down there was at least one hatchling that was over half way to dying. Whenever I went down I found one like that and took it down ASAP to rally.

It’s his second form that’s troublesome- once he becomes a spider, he’ll start doing this nasty attack where he’ll pull you to him and immobilize you.

For me this is where the fight devolved into the typical story boss faceroll because he stopped spawning those locusts.

You will either want to dodge this pull or bring a condition remover to escape the immobilize ASAP

This is sage advice for almost any boss that immobilizes. You know that something nasty’s about to come when that happens.

…why? What purpose did this serve? OP has probably defeated the boss by now.

The Use of the Word ‘Cheese’
Lyss The Shadow
Legendary Champion of DB [EDGE]

Risen Spider Lord

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Bernie.8674


…why? What purpose did this serve? OP has probably defeated the boss by now.

The title of this forum is “PlayerS Helping PlayerS.” It just so happens that Google brought me here last night when I was having trouble with this boss, and the advice in this post amounted to, “L2P noob, and bring condition removal.” After spending hours trying to figure this out on my own I decided to post my own personal solo experience so that the next person who came along would have something more substantial to go off of. I was hoping that my post would be more informative than the previous ones. Was there something specific that you found to be purposeless?

(edited by Bernie.8674)

Risen Spider Lord

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Brother Grimm.5176

Brother Grimm.5176

I think the locus swarms “staying around” was the buff bug the wiki is talking about…..If you defeated him with the bug active, you can count that as a “well done. sir!”. (Despite the thread Necromancy).

We go out in the world and take our chances
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances

Risen Spider Lord

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Bernie.8674


I think the locus swarms “staying around” was the buff bug the wiki is talking about…..If you defeated him with the bug active, you can count that as a “well done. sir!”. (Despite the thread Necromancy).

The wiki made no mention of the swarms. It blamed Determined for being the cause of the problem, but I don’t see how Determined makes a difference since many other bosses have the buff without being so difficult to kill. I didn’t see any mention of Locust Swarm on the wiki or in this post, and that, in my opinion, was the hardest mechanic to contend with. I did eventually defeat him despite that bug, but it required for me to accept three facts:

  1. My NPCs were pretty much worthless, and whatever help I got from them was going to be purely incidental
  2. When that Locust Swarm got to me I was going to go down so I needed to kite it as often as possible, and I needed to rally as quickly as possible when it reached me
  3. The fight requires patience because at 3% heals per tick the Spider Lord’s health takes a long time to decline

My intent was not to necro the thread, but to add the useful information that I felt I lacked when going into the fight. The fact that this is post comes up as #1 when Googling Risen Spider Lord was the main reason I opted to add that information here.

Risen Spider Lord

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Oyranos.9750


I revive it a year after, because I am stuck there, I cannot progress. It is said in this topic that the boss does not regenarate life after I die, but in my case it does, so its all over again and this time my army is dead! Also the mesmer holographic npc is stuck in the btm of the mountain. Is not coming with me in the battle.

So its a KO . Can I request a ticket to change the path of progression? This is a 5 man quest and maybe even 10… swarm kill me in 3 seconds.

this quest line is just not playable.

I play this with my warrior. I choose a different path with my ranger (find the missing squad).. but this choice here is not playable. I regrate my choice with my warrior.

(edited by Oyranos.9750)

Risen Spider Lord

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


Well at least you didn’t run into the bug where it stayed permanently Determined. Despite what Bernie above implies Determined is going to have a huge impact on a fight since that makes mobs invulnerable to any attack.

Risen Spider Lord

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Oyranos.9750


I read the whole topic and I used a longbow with my warrior. I died only once and I did it! So the mechanic here demands range

Risen Spider Lord

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Wickham.6315


…why? What purpose did this serve? OP has probably defeated the boss by now.

Had trouble with this boss just the other day. Although this thread was a year old, it actually did help me out a lot. It was actually the hologram bug keeping the boss alive that helped me complete this quest (so I could res twice and resume the still-going fight), so evidently the bugs are still an issue. And I don’t meant the locusts or the spider.

Risen Spider Lord

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Old Roy.5924

Old Roy.5924

Yet another necro… I am at this point with my first character (been playing a couple weeks now), and this fight is basically impossible for me. I am an Elementalist with dual daggers, and only once did I even get to the Spider Lord’s second form / phase 2.

As with all the others: NPCs are useless, way too many mobs for one player, and too much cc. Granted, the little spiders make reviving easy, but something hits me so hard, I don’t even get the option to fight to survive. I’m guessing it’s the Locust Swarm? I can’t even see what it is, there’s too much going on too quickly, and since my character is the only one fighting (plus my earth elemental), it really seems like I have hit a brick wall.

Then to hear that the “other” choices are fairly simple really is like salt in the wounds. Now that the game is F2P, I am doubting this gets looked at by the developers ever. I’d like to know if that one poster actually opened a ticket to change paths/decisions for his story arc…

Usually playing GW2-64 under WINE on Linux Mint 17.3 – and lovin’ it.

Risen Spider Lord

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Felahr.9830


Yet another necro… I am at this point with my first character (been playing a couple weeks now), and this fight is basically impossible for me. I am an Elementalist with dual daggers, and only once did I even get to the Spider Lord’s second form / phase 2.

As with all the others: NPCs are useless, way too many mobs for one player, and too much cc. Granted, the little spiders make reviving easy, but something hits me so hard, I don’t even get the option to fight to survive. I’m guessing it’s the Locust Swarm? I can’t even see what it is, there’s too much going on too quickly, and since my character is the only one fighting (plus my earth elemental), it really seems like I have hit a brick wall.

Then to hear that the “other” choices are fairly simple really is like salt in the wounds. Now that the game is F2P, I am doubting this gets looked at by the developers ever. I’d like to know if that one poster actually opened a ticket to change paths/decisions for his story arc…

i can try to help if youd like, i do a fair bit of damage on my rev

Risen Spider Lord

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: bridgechronicles.9528


If I might make a suggestion, Roy, as someone else who likes to run dual-dagger Ele, make sure you have a decent staff or scepter (your preference, in PvE at least) in your bags. Some bosses, like the Spider Lord, lay down way too much damage at point blank range for most Eles to survive. Pulling out of combat and having the gear to switch to a ranged attack is often the key to beating these guys.

Risen Spider Lord

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Old Roy.5924

Old Roy.5924

If I might make a suggestion, Roy, as someone else who likes to run dual-dagger Ele, make sure you have a decent staff or scepter (your preference, in PvE at least) in your bags. Some bosses, like the Spider Lord, lay down way too much damage at point blank range for most Eles to survive. Pulling out of combat and having the gear to switch to a ranged attack is often the key to beating these guys.

Yeah, ultimately I had another player offer to help. The person was very well geared and experienced and made it seem fairly simple.

I have played GW2 for a total of about 2-3 weeks, this is my first (and only) character above level 10, so I am still (hopefully) getting the hang of things. I just feel like I went from “decent challenge” or “fun” to slap-my-face “you suck” in the main story. Perhaps I want the game to be easier (I’m not a “video gamer” person), maybe I am too old for the reflexes required (mid 40’s), I don’t know.

Now, I am at the part where you are on the airship and I barely can get past the “fight the boarders while also using the cannons’ shields” part and it sucks to solo for me. What’s worse is all those NPCs sitting on their kitten inside the bridge while I am expected to use the various cannons while dealing with the 2-3 mobs that spawn on the bow of the ship. Great. Thanks for the help, guys. I mean, why bother having anyone else on the ship?

Then I get to the part where the dragons attack, and I have to use the shield and the attack from the cannons, oh, and here’s MORE mobs on the bridge that are even more difficult… but that’s OK, the NPCs are still sitting on their kitten and watching one person do everything. It’s like being the new guy in a union shop. Really not fun. Maybe it’s a challenge for others, perhaps they really want people to team up (give us a hint?), but solo elementalist seems like it’s out-grown my inept play style.

I really love this game, maybe I’ll just stick to leveling up toons to the mid 60’s or so, and end it there.

Usually playing GW2-64 under WINE on Linux Mint 17.3 – and lovin’ it.

Risen Spider Lord

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Donari.5237


Aww — don’t give up just because Ele is squishy. Try another profession. After starting with Thief and Ele mains back at launch and eating way too much dirt, I tried Guardian and was in love. She was my dungeon main for a long time because she could tough out most anything. Couldn’t kill a mouse, as I built her for support, but I had dps friends who didn’t yell “be zerker or gtfo!” at me, and she could last through most any combat that wiped the rest. Eventually I moved to mesmer for dungeons and fractals.

Ele really is the squishiest profession and needs the most stance dancing to be effective. Please test things out with something sturdier and you’ll feel much better about yourself. I know I did.

Risen Spider Lord

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Old Roy.5924

Old Roy.5924

Aww — don’t give up just because Ele is squishy. Try another profession. After starting with Thief and Ele mains back at launch and eating way too much dirt, I tried Guardian and was in love. She was my dungeon main for a long time because she could tough out most anything. Couldn’t kill a mouse, as I built her for support, but I had dps friends who didn’t yell “be zerker or gtfo!” at me, and she could last through most any combat that wiped the rest. Eventually I moved to mesmer for dungeons and fractals.

Ele really is the squishiest profession and needs the most stance dancing to be effective. Please test things out with something sturdier and you’ll feel much better about yourself. I know I did.

Yeah, I am getting killed by almost everything now that I’m 80 (couldn’t finish main story / last mission), cannot solo the Living World Season 2 stuff, and the HoT stuff is also killing me fairly quick (but there are other players usually).

I know my problem is I do not team, have no guild, and like solo play (in an MMO). I am wondering if I need to be a young kid with twitch reflexes to play this class, as I don’t always change elements, and don’t use my #6 – #0 powers much (2-3 are usually signets or whatever, for the passive bonuses).

From my point of view, 1-70ish was fairly easy – sometimes challenging and always fun. Then the “end game” sneaks up, and it’s like a lot of work to just not die, and that’s not a lot of fun for me (though I understand some people love that).

I made a warrior, and so far it’s fun and easy (but so was ele at this level)… we’ll see. Thank you for the encouragement and words of wisdom.

Usually playing GW2-64 under WINE on Linux Mint 17.3 – and lovin’ it.

Risen Spider Lord

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Pretty Pixie.8603

Pretty Pixie.8603

Hi Roy.

Since you say you’re not really a gamer a lot of stuff that would make your life easier eludes you. Those 6-0 powers are pretty important to an Ele, you know. You probably don’t use them a lot since they’re hard to reach; that why most serious players have bound those keys so easier to reach combinations.

You might not have set a decent build either, which could make your life easier as well. I’ll add you in game so I can teach you what you need to know to be more successful.

Hope to see you soon in game.

Relentless Inquisition [PAIN] – FA

Risen Spider Lord

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Old Roy.5924

Old Roy.5924

Hi Roy.

Since you say you’re not really a gamer a lot of stuff that would make your life easier eludes you. Those 6-0 powers are pretty important to an Ele, you know. You probably don’t use them a lot since they’re hard to reach; that why most serious players have bound those keys so easier to reach combinations.

You might not have set a decent build either, which could make your life easier as well. I’ll add you in game so I can teach you what you need to know to be more successful.

Hope to see you soon in game.

Thank you for your tips (given in-game and here) and your help, Pixie, they are much appreciated.

Yes, I re-mapped my top mouse buttons to 6/7 and 8/9 – but I am thinking to try making one or more buttons a meta key instead (shift, control, alt) so I only have to press one or two in combination with my 1,2,3,4,5 keys which are easier to reach.

My biggest issue is the speed of the combat. It wants to feel like an action-combat MMO (a la Blade and Soul or Black Desert Online), but is still mostly a tab-target style with an avoid mechanic (a la DDO, I think). The combat is fast-paced, so timing is everything, and it is only exacerbated for me by the very short duration buffs (i.e. 2 seconds of stability really needs to be timed well to be useful).

I’ve run the first dungeon twice now – both times were a rushed thing, where I skipped the cut scenes to keep up with my party; the first time was terrible. The second, on my Revenant, was quite enjoyable. I think I really like the revenant more, but I’ll see as I level it to 80 and start end game. Leveling with my elementalist was not the issue for me, but the end game stuff.

Usually playing GW2-64 under WINE on Linux Mint 17.3 – and lovin’ it.

Risen Spider Lord

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


You can tab target but most skills do not need a target.

Risen Spider Lord

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: GoorooDougie.9532


New player here (about a month), first character to 80, and this was by far the toughest thing I’ve come across in the game yet. Thanks to some of the tips here, I got it after 3 deaths, including one where I went back to the start of the mission because none of my allies rezzed and I was up there alone. Longbow hunter, bear pet, stayed ranged except for a couple quick switches to axes when swarmed by minor spiders. For some reason targeting kept switching to elite spiders, which took too long to burn down, and I kept having to switch back to the boss. Wound up having to deal with several of the elites even after boss was down, but pulled it off. Switching my elite skill to Spirit of Nature (long duration AoE heal) instead of a high-DPS skill prob made the difference. Thanks for all the info!

Risen Spider Lord

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: HenryChinaski.4732


When you have problems anywhere in the last storyparts this will help you for sure (not as much as skill and the right tactic but… )

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Potent_Potion_of_Undead_Slaying or the powerful for level 80
https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Peach_Pie or Mango Pie for Level 80

both you get for a few copper at the tradingpost.
Game is easier with the right food, anywhere except pvp