Rune of Divinity/Travelor Mystic Forge

Rune of Divinity/Travelor Mystic Forge

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: GreenNekoHaunt.8527


Yesterday I tried throwing ~240 runes into the mystic forge. (costed about ~15g) into the mystic forge and with some luck I got 2 superior runes of divnity (sold one) and a superior rune of the traveler and several not as special superior runes.

Have you tried this before? Do you think it’s worth to continue further?

Gamer & Developer; Playing games is part of making games! Gather experience and make games!

Rune of Divinity/Travelor Mystic Forge

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kootje.9271


It’s rng, it’s worth it if u get the right runes. I have done this a lot too. Also with sigils. Sometimes u get lucky, sometimes u don’t. Just don’t think the odds are in your favor…

But i still throw some things in the forge sometimes (mostly all my gold) <<< RNGcrack

Proud member of Dutch-Finest Guild on Far Shiverpeaks.

If it ain’t dutch,… :P

Rune of Divinity/Travelor Mystic Forge

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: TooBz.3065


You can get lucky, but I find more often you end up with runes that I worth less than the ones you threw in to begin with.

Anything I post is just the opinion of a very vocal minority of 1.

Rune of Divinity/Travelor Mystic Forge

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mystic.5934


240 major runes gives about 15 superior runes.
it depends which superior runes you get out for if it’s profitable or not.
I believe the median sale price of superior runes is around 80s. I haven’t looked into the mean sale price.