Rune of the revenant + med kit
If I remember correctly Med Kit will place a healing skill in your toolbelt. Try that toolbelt skill and see if it counts as a healing skill instead of the Med kit.
According to the wiki page on Med Kit:
“Activating or stowing the kit triggers on-heal effects; using the kit’s five skills (or its tool belt skill) does not. The exception is Cleansing Synergy, which is only activated by the tool belt skill.”
Presumably the GW2Skills build editor isn’t programmed to know that.
Edit: Having just played around with GW2Skills, this seems to be a problem with Superior Rune of the Revenant, not with Med Kit: the resistance icon stays grey for any healing skill.
(edited by Tommo Chocolate.5870)
oh, thanks for the info. Im gonna try it in game and see how it works.
Problem solved, thanks o/
seems like the tool belt skill f1, is the healing skill of med kit.