Satchels/Boxes of armor broken? Is it a bug?

Satchels/Boxes of armor broken? Is it a bug?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: BobTheElephant.2176


So I’ve been looking into making satchels of armor recently with my tailor skill. I have discovered that crafting a satchel of armor costs more than the cost of crafting each piece individually AND buying 400 gems for an inventory expansion AND buying a 20 slot bag to put your 6 pieces of armor in.

Of course, you could argue that the satchel should cost more, it has that added convenience of just 1 inventory slot, instead of 6. I would then argue that crafting in bulk should cost less than crafting individually…but none of that matters because it turns out the difference in cost is actually enough to still net 2g extra and 14 empty inventory slots.

This seems pretty wrong to me. It looks to me like the armor pieces were originally supposed to take 2 insignias (like exotic jewelry costs 5 crafted jewels) and the 11 insignias instead of 12 was the discount for crafting in bulk, but then the individual cost was reduced and the satchel was never updated. Does this look like a bug to anyone else?

I will go through how I came to this conclusion with some screenshots for proof, just in case people don’t believe me. For this particular example, I’ll use the Berserker’s Exalted Gossamer Set.

First of all, the Satchel recipe:
18 Bolts of Gossamer, 6 Cured Hardened Leather Squares, 10 Spools of Gossamer Thread and 11 Berserker’s Intricate Gossamer Insignias

I am going to skip over the basic cost of making the parts of a piece of armor, that stays the same from level 1 tailor to level 400. I will however provide proof that each piece only needs 1 insignia, proof

The net cost for crafting all 6 pieces individually is:
18 Bolts of Gossamer, 6 Cured Hardened Leather Squares, 10 Spools of Gossamer Thread and 6 Berserker’s Intricate Gossamer Insignias

So the only difference is that the satchel needs 5 more Berserker’s Intricate Gossamer Insignias.

Now, I will show some screenshots for how I came up with the inventory slot upgrade and 20 slot bag still costing less. These prices are obviously subject to change, but provide a basic idea of what things look like.

5 Berserker’s Intricate Gossamer Insignias: ~15g proof
400 gems: ~1g5s proof
20-slot Gossamer Bag: ~12g proof

tl;dr: I think boxes/satchels of armor cost too much and it might be a bug, do you?

Satchels/Boxes of armor broken? Is it a bug?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Phoenix the One.4071

Phoenix the One.4071

Well if it is a bug report it.

Satchels/Boxes of armor broken? Is it a bug?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Twarden.9287


The economy of the TP is pretty buggered right now because of the failure to launch it properly at the game’s headstart/launch. The prices are more than likely like this because the TP hasn’t met its price equilibrium quite yet. Give it some time while demand and supply settles down so prices can stabilize.


Satchels/Boxes of armor broken? Is it a bug?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: BobTheElephant.2176


Well if it is a bug report it.

Well, idk if it is a bug, I was hoping to get further feedback from other players to determine if I should submit it as one.

The economy of the TP is pretty buggered right now because of the failure to launch it properly at the game’s headstart/launch. The prices are more than likely like this because the TP hasn’t met its price equilibrium quite yet. Give it some time while demand and supply settles down so prices can stabilize.


That’s completely reasonable, in a few weeks it may very well be a less significant margin. However, with the recipes the way they currently are, the satchel will still cost nearly twice the materials that crafting individually costs.

Satchels/Boxes of armor broken? Is it a bug?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nemain.9802


Just how do you craft boxes, according to the wiki I should be able to do it.
Is it discovery only?

Satchels/Boxes of armor broken? Is it a bug?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: BobTheElephant.2176


Can’t get it by discovery, you need to use the mystic forge to craft the recipe. It takes Bottles of Elonian Wine and Crystals which can be bought from the NPC at the forge. It also requires the chest piece of the set you want the box for and mystic coins. The cost changes depending on the box/satchel but the one I used in the example was 5 bottles, 20 crystals, 50 coins and the Berserker’s Exalted Coat.

Satchels/Boxes of armor broken? Is it a bug?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: incognitohat.5431


Bumping this for a possible answer.

Right now crafting a box takes about double the mats. I can only assume that it’s a bug, or there are two armor sets in this box.