Saving Pet Names

Saving Pet Names

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vendose.9782


While playing as a ranger i find i swap my pets out a lot, but each time i swap them the names reset.
Does anybody know some way to get the pet names to save, and if not do people agree that this should be updated into the game?

Saving Pet Names

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ravnodaus.5130


This is a known bug

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Saving Pet Names

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mystic Beaver.4795

Mystic Beaver.4795

Hmm my ranger’s pet names don’t reset, ever.

Have you tried just changing the pets completely, then slotting them back in and renaming?

My beaver is mystic.

Saving Pet Names

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: toastman.7689


I have the same issue/question. When I rename a pet, it in effect names that slot, so if I change out the pet in that slot, the new pet inherits the name, and if I slot the original pet back in, it goes back to being “juvenile blah”.

Hopefully this will get fixed soon, as I quite like having unique names for each pet, but since I change around pets frequently, it gets tiresome having to rename them again and again.

Unless someone has a work-around for this?

Saving Pet Names

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Azzras.8041


Hmm my ranger’s pet names don’t reset, ever.

Have you tried just changing the pets completely, then slotting them back in and renaming?

That’s the issue. If you swap out pets in your pet slots, the names will reset every time.

Saving Pet Names

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ADC.5168


I had a weird issue similar to this. When I charmed a jaguar, its name changed to the one I had given my alpine wolf. When I switched back to the wolf, its name returned to the default juvenile alpine wolf. I renamed them both and it seemed okay after that.

I haven’t charmed another pet since then; if it happens again I’ll update this post.

Edit: It happened again when I charmed a new pet. Filed a bug report, hope these issues get fixed.

(edited by ADC.5168)

Saving Pet Names

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vigilence.4902


Yeah, its a small problem that is still current.

Saving Pet Names

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vendose.9782


Hopefully this will be fixed soon then and then we can all have names for each one of our pets and i don’t get raged at for stopping to rename my pets when i swap them out when in a party

Saving Pet Names

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vendose.9782


also to add people who are saying your pets name is not changing when you swap it out, have you got the pet in the aquatic section as well as that will save the name

Saving Pet Names

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


still an issue…

Saving Pet Names

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Linken.6345


No its not since its made to be only the pets you have selected over water and under, can have names.