Scritt Story Destroyer Crabs

Scritt Story Destroyer Crabs

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tempest.9175



Anyone else having a hard time with these creatures? They have reasonable health for a mob creature but every single one hits like a truck and if I stand still for 2 seconds or so they bring me from 8k health to dead. Nor does it help that some of these quests have me face 4+ of these enemies at a time. Am I missing a item to use against them? Oh, and I’m a guardian…like that helps T^T.

Scritt Story Destroyer Crabs

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: valemiroqi.4309


You think you had it hard, imagine how my little thief felt. I eventually ended up pulling them to me 1 at a time, killing it, then stealthing away to restore HP. Took me forever but I was finally able to beat it.

Morale of the story: it’s not just you, that mission is a pain.

Maguuma Server

Scritt Story Destroyer Crabs

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ChonieRanchito.1270


my friend had the same problem you did. same class and everything. he was underlvled though so it probably doesnt need to be said but, being the same lvl as the quest will help a lot. He also brought me along which helped too. ask some friends or guildmates to accompany you and you should have a much smoother experience.