Seeds of truth help

Seeds of truth help

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Krakilin.1524


After tons of failing I am looking for any willing help for seeds of truth achievments. I am just perpetually losing and on the point of raging as I did not even enjoy doing this without achievments.

So need any help from someone willing or will even pay some gold for help for all achievments.

Seeds of truth help

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


Just add me in-game, we can do them sometime

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

Seeds of truth help

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ojimaru.8970


Check out a full guide for the achievements on Dulfy’s site:

It’s much easier to do the Centaur achievements with at 2 players, as you can alternate between both players to get the Don’t Tread On Me achievement by having one person stay ranged.

As for the Centaur Shaman boss, it’s a pretty old raid/dungeon mechanic. The boss will remain invulnerable while at least 1 Earth Elemental is alive. The Elementals have high toughness but low health, and will spawn a Sand Pool when they die. So the ideal way to handle them as Caithe is to stand against a wall and use skill #3 (AOE cripple and Torment), then kite them a little for the full effects of Torment. Run back towards the boss when the Elementals are close to death, thus forcing the Sand Pools to spawn in areas that you won’t likely accidentally run into. Note that Wind Walls will rarely spawn from the walls, but they are generally the safest spot to stand while killing Elementals. It is also important to be moving the entire time to avoid the Shaman’s rock projectiles.

Finally, do make use of the LFG UI. Advertise for a group in the Open World or Personal Story tab and more often than not you’ll find a kindred spirit, especially during weekends or holidays.