Server Switching help

Server Switching help

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Karma.4308


Hey! I just got this game a month ago and bought it during the HoT sale, its my first time using these forums too so redirect me if i’m wrong but I believe i’m posting in the right section. Currently i’m on “Sorrows embrace” and loving the game! But with i’m just not feeling it with wvw on sorrows, and might as well use my free sever switch. I’m thinking of Fort Aspen wood since a lot of my friends are on there but Dragon brand looks cool too, is it more laggy on the high population servers? I mean sometimes its really boring roaming on my current server, I just want it to be populated and not deserted at times. So whats the status of the severs and which server do you play on? And how about EoTm?

Have a nice day!

Server Switching help

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: atticus.5284


T1 can get laggy on the big battles but nothing too bad. Dragonbrand (DB) is known for being a bandwagon server; it rises as much as it falls. If you want good fights and some stability, try an open T1 server (probably TC or JQ) or join your friends on FA. WvW with friends is a much better experience.

EoTM is not WvW and is a different experience; don’t play it much. I’m pretty much a pure WvW player.

Server Switching help

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Silvercyclone.1462


If you don’t mind deleting all you characters you can switch servers for free. This way you can test out different servers until you find one you like. Everything on your characters will get deleted but the stuff in your bank will come with you to the new server.

Server Switching help

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: onevstheworld.2419


I think OP means he already has a free server swap he wants to use. I don’t have first hand experience, but others on the forum have said f2p players who buy the full game get a free server change that isn’t obviously stated. Apparently that’s because f2p players don’t get a choice of server when they first sign up.

Wvw performance is more affect by the number of players onscreen at the time. Thus a 100 player zerg has the same performance impact whether you are on a T1 or a T4 server. The only difference is 100 player zergs are more common on T1 servers. So if wvw is your thing, try get into a T1.
Eotm is a parallel game type... it combines all the green players across the tiers into one team, an d the same with all the reds and the blues. So it’s more affect by the colour of your server rather than its tier.