Server timezone population

Server timezone population

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Drysdale.3826


Is there a thread or list of timezones of servers?

I know all servers are technically “central timezone,” but some servers tend to have higher populations of certain time zones. I’m transferring from Sea of Sorrows because they’re mostly Oceanic and I’m West coast.

As a side note, would it have killed AN to just slap a timezone label on these servers so similar timezone people would gravitate to them—even if the servers aren’t located in that timezone.

Server timezone population

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Yeah, Sea of Sorrows is the unofficial Oceanic server. That’s why you mostly see Oceanic players there.

If you can get in, Tarnished Coast (the unofficial RP server) seems to have a fairly active population across all timezones. It’s busier during US daytime, but even during nights there’s a decent population scattered across all maps. As an Australian player on TC, there’s usually still about 10 – 20 players on any particular map even during my night (which is 12am – 6am West Coast time).

Server timezone population

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

Is there a thread or list of timezones of servers?

As a side note, would it have killed AN to just slap a timezone label on these servers so similar timezone people would gravitate to them—even if the servers aren’t located in that timezone.

The reason Arenanet didn’t label too much on the servers is that they believe in the community to do this and it turned out to be so.
The only exceptation are in eu-servers for some officially supported languages.
Personally I dislike a game that tries to force the serverpopulations too much. So I’m happy with that.

To answer your question: No there is no such list, and that is sad. You can use this system to check if a certain server is mostly american or canadaian or asutralian :

The info there is however somewhat outdated and not 100% reliable.

The suggestion of publishing a list of server peak activity time might be a good one. So feelfree to make a suggestion in the suggestions section.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Server timezone population

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Drysdale.3826


Why do you dislike that? I think it’s a good idea. What if someone just starts playing and picks a server. They’re now locked in to that server and have to pay money to transfer if it doesn’t align with their timezone.

Other MMO’s allow you to create toons on different servers, I get why they can’t do that in this game, but still not fair for new players who couldn’t have taken part in the free transfers.

…or like my situation. I was here a few weeks before the server transfers and suddenly (a day before transfers ended)Sea of Sorrows had a mass exodus and all that remained were Aussies. Prior to that there were enough NA people to be active. Sea of Sorrows dropped from 1st place T1 to T4 and maybe fall to T5.