Server transfert, advice needed!

Server transfert, advice needed!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zia.9251


I need advice on how I can transfert server to play with my son to whom I just bough an account. He was not able to create his character on my server (Tarnished Coast) which I play on since beta so I told him to just pick a random server and I would join him there (is guesting even working at the moment?).

By the time he creates his character and finish his tutorial I try to transfert to him but his server was now full! No big deal it will move to at least high eventually no? Well so far no! Late at night, early in morning, noon, pm nothing is doing it both our servers are full all the time even on a monday morning (he’s on Crystal Desert).

How am I going to play with my son if our servers are full all the time? Any suggestions please?

Server transfert, advice needed!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: codingCaptor.9428


Full servers are a problem. Your options are 2fold.

1. Wait. One of them will drop to high eventually.
2. Both of you transfer. Pick a server that’s not currently full, and both of you transfer at the same time.

As for guesting, No, it is not currently working. However, you CAN still group with him, and if an overflow instance of the map you want to be in exists, you can get into that overflow and play together. (Join party together, right click on his portrait, “join in <name of map>”)

At the moment… the only maps that really ever have overflow is Lions Arch. So you’d be able to do Fractal runs with him, but that’s it.