Setting up a new gaming rig need help please

Setting up a new gaming rig need help please

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lovisek.7103



I know I did a post before but those computers were pre build and I couldnt change the stuff you guys were telling me, now I will try a different approach these are the specs and I can change them this time:

Mainboard S-1155 ASUS Sabertooth Z77, ATX (IS THIS MAINBOARD OK ) ?

Procesor INTEL Core i5 – 3570K, 3,40GHz, LGA1155, Quad-Core, Boxed

DDR3-RAM KIT 8 GB, 1600 MHz, CL9, KINGSTON HyperX Genesis (do I need more RAM) ?

Graphic Card PCI-E 3.0 SAPPHIRE Radeon HD 7950, Full retail, 3072MB

Hard Drive WD Green 1TB SATA3 64MB WD10EZRX

SSD 60GB 2.5’’ SATA3 MLC, Corsair Force3A


PSU ATX 600 Watt, CORSAIR CX600 V2, 80Plus (okay I have no idea what to get here, and does it play a big part on the computer) ?

Windows 7 Home Premium DSP 64BIT,

(edited by Lovisek.7103)

Setting up a new gaming rig need help please

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dabrixmgp.4758


2500k is plenty of processing power once you OC it. I dont know why everyone wants to pay more for the higher ones. Also RAM is dirt cheap just throw in 16 GB. I can play 3 MMOs at once with 8 so 16 is overkill but why not?

Setting up a new gaming rig need help please

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: noblue.8640


  • 8 GB of memory is enough
  • I recently got the same processor for a good price, and I think it’s a solid choice
  • You don’t need a SSD, but it would speed up load times if you install GW2 on it. I’d recommend getting a 7200 RPM disk drive (idk what that one is)
  • Your graphics card is overkill

Setting up a new gaming rig need help please

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Posted by: Lovisek.7103


I still need some help in selecting a mother board and the power supply.

Setting up a new gaming rig need help please

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Posted by: Syn.3459


Setting up a new gaming rig need help please

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Posted by: Lefty.7683


I can only tell you, dont save on the power supply! Buy a good one.
I can recommend be quiet, but i dont know if you can get them outside germany.

Setting up a new gaming rig need help please

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Posted by: Geff.1930


Actually this game can be quite demanding when there are lots of people in one area all spamming skills (i.e in WvW). My rig is as follows:

Asus Rampage IV Formula X79 Motherboard
Intel i7 3960X Hexacore Sandybridge Processor
x2 Nvidia GTX580 Cards in SLI
32 GB RAM.

On high settings in WvW my FPS often goes down to about 40-45. Still very playable for me, but on lower end machines I bet you can expect major issues.

Setting up a new gaming rig need help please

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Broccoli.8734


That video card is crazy overkill and may bottleneck the CPU if you don’t OC it. You can get that I5 up to 5.0 if you tweak it correctly, but with air I would run some serious stress tests to make sure it’s stable.

Solid mobo, just got it for my girlfriends new rig. Be aware that screwing it into the case is a pain in thekitten due to the “dust guard” that I think is pretty useless.

Setting up a new gaming rig need help please

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lovisek.7103


Well what should be my expected FPS on high graphics in PvE and what should I expect at WwW (I dont mind low graphics on WwW if it helps with my FPS)

Setting up a new gaming rig need help please

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SLOThief.5317


First off I can definitely say you can save on your mobo. That thing is for a serious rig that you’re going to do some serious OCing and customization with. So if you’ll use it for that go for it. If you’re just worried about ‘compatibility’ here is another Asus model that will do you just fine and save you a boatload of cash:

Your CPU is perfect in my opinion. I’m a big advocate of saving money by getting the i5 vs. the i7, unless you’re doing something serious that requires increased cache and core power. It will also fit your mobo (the 1155 is your hint).

8gb of RAM is plenty. Honestly the ‘why not just go for 12 or 16’ argument is a waste of money in my opinion. 8gb will pretty much do whatever you need for ‘gaming’ and you’ll never run out of memory.

I’ll be honest and say that I’m not a huge AMD fan, and while that card is good for the money, I’d recommend:

I’m currently using it, running everything on high (except AA and advanced character textures) and getting 60 frames consistently (low 50s in fairly large WvW battles). That card will save you a little money from the one you listed and will be a beast.

If you want to load your OS on an SSD, get a small one. Crucial is a good brand. In that case you could get:

It’s definitely not essential, but will help load OS and other applications quicker in the background, etc.

That case is a tad overkill in my opinion, but I go pretty spartan with cases, and I’m a big Antec fan in general. I have this:

Tons of fans, dust filters, plenty of room, and keeps things very cool (my CPU sticks around 65 C when running on aforementioned settings and my GPU is around 70 C). Plus a little more money saved there too.

For power supply. Get something around 600 watts (whatever you need to run your GPU really) and at least 80+ Bronze certified. Here’s a somewhat budget but reliable model that I recently built with:

Sorry for wall of text, but I like helping/talking about these things. Overall have fun and enjoy your new rig.

Setting up a new gaming rig need help please

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Blaque.3698


My setting up is:
Intel i5 3570k with ASUS p8z77-v lx, 8GB RAM, Radeon HD 7770, 120GB SSD, and a Corsair 650watt PSU.
I have not noticed any lag on “Auto-Detect”(which automatically sets the setting to high). (FPS avg at 70-80fps).
With “best appearance”, I averaged around 60fps. I do notice slight frames rate decrease in huge WvW(80+ players going all out).
(Graphic card and CPU temps avg. less than 50C when playing guild wars, and 60C on torture tests that last more than 5 hours)

(edited by Blaque.3698)

Setting up a new gaming rig need help please

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Hawks.5736


I know I did a post before but those computers were pre build and I couldnt change the stuff you guys were telling me, now I will try a different approach these are the specs and I can change them this time:


Little overkill, but others have already suggested alternatives. But what do you want out of your PC? Do you want every setting maxed out with 60+fps? Are you fine with medium settings? What else does the computer get used for(besides web surfing or music)?

You dont need an SSD or Ivybridge for gaming, 8gigs of RAM is plenty, for GW2 unless you need everything maxed you could save ~$100 and get a 7870 instead. Plus where are you going to get the parts from? Do you want to build your own system, or do you want to have it shipped ready to go? There are retailers like Microcenter who tend to have good combo deals if you live near one, or things like buying a 660ti that comes with Borderlands2 which may or may not be worth it for you kind of thing.


Setting up a new gaming rig need help please

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Posted by: Boxcarman.5934


If you’re ever going to build your own rig, use

Setting up a new gaming rig need help please

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SLOThief.5317


@Hawks: bought 660ti, sold cell-shaded loot shooter to a friend for $30 =P. Also Boxcarman is Boxcarsmart.

Setting up a new gaming rig need help please

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lovisek.7103


I know I did a post before but those computers were pre build and I couldnt change the stuff you guys were telling me, now I will try a different approach these are the specs and I can change them this time:


Little overkill, but others have already suggested alternatives. But what do you want out of your PC? Do you want every setting maxed out with 60+fps? Are you fine with medium settings? What else does the computer get used for(besides web surfing or music)?

You dont need an SSD or Ivybridge for gaming, 8gigs of RAM is plenty, for GW2 unless you need everything maxed you could save ~$100 and get a 7870 instead. Plus where are you going to get the parts from? Do you want to build your own system, or do you want to have it shipped ready to go? There are retailers like Microcenter who tend to have good combo deals if you live near one, or things like buying a 660ti that comes with Borderlands2 which may or may not be worth it for you kind of thing.

Well my comp is used just for gaming music and internet nothing else, I would love to be able to play with max graphic on PvE with 60+ FPS, and around 30 on WwW if possible, would this spec work ?

Setting up a new gaming rig need help please

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dabrixmgp.4758


For a case I highly reccommend the Rosewill Blackhawk. Im running 9 total fans in mine and the only thing I can hear is the AC in the next room. Also has 4 USBs and your mic Jacks on the very top so they dont get in the way like cases that have them on the front panel or even worse in the back. I didnt know how to build a PC so I took my stuff to a friend to build it at a major PC repair shop in my town and he was shocked at how quiet it was. Said it was the quietest case hes ever seen